
9.12.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Saturday, December 9th, 2006
9.12.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

8.12.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Friday, December 8th, 2006

Hmm. Operation first row went wrong, we ended up in the second – so I have to admit, I didn’t really get much of what was happening. =;-) But it was great anyway!
... read on!

8.12.2006 – Photos HGH (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Friday, December 8th, 2006
8.12.2006 – Photos HGH (Vega, Kopenhagen)

7.12.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

Hah… now I know what I missed last week!
... read on!

7.12.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Thursday, December 7th, 2006
7.12.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

6.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
6.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

6.10.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Thursday, October 6th, 2005

During the next day I did some more sightseeing – but somehow I wasn’t that impressed. Maybe because I walked around fairly aimlessly ’cause I had no idea about what to visit in Copenhagen? Or maybe I was just too tired? Or maybe Copenhagen is not really the most interesting city to visit? I don’t know, but it didn’t matter, I was not bored, and at night we went back to Vega. This time up to the gallery, ’cause I didn’t really want to go through all the pushing and sweating down in the front again – and also, ’cause I finally wanted to SEE what happens in the audience when Killmaster runs through the crowd and the Jackal jumps and so on. *g*
... read on!

5.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2005
5.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

5.10.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2005

So, at the end of the tour (for me) two concert in Copenhagen – yeah! You just gotta experience the Danish audience once, or so I was told. *g* Getting there in the Kaizermobil, then a litte speed-sightseeing, then to the Vega. There I was completely surprised, I had expected something different, like people getting in line hours before the concert and a huge crowd in front of the place half an hour before the doors opened. OK, there were some people there, but not nearly as many as I would have expected. Which was good for us, of course. *g*
... read on!