Concert statistics
Since I am a concert junkie, I’ve seen quite a few concerts… and there’s a few bands that I’ve seen more than once as well! (Wait, what do you mean with “understatement”…?)
Below is a statistic of all concerts that I’ve seen – mostly for myself, so that I can keep track of how often I’ve seen my favorite bands. You can sort the statistics by band/festival (alphabetical or by number of times I’ve seen them), by venue (again alphabetical or by number), or by city (the same).
- List of all bands and festivals (alphabetical)
- List of all bands and festivals (sorted by number)
- List of all venues and concert places (alphabetical)
- List of all venues and concert places (sorted by number)
- List of all cities (alphabetical)
- List of all cities (sorted by number)
Overall: 894 concerts