
19.08.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Campus, Tromsø)

Friday, August 21st, 2009
19.08.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Campus, Tromsø)
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Photos by Lena

19.08.2009 Skambankt (Driv, Tromsø)

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Report by Lena V.:

It was just hours since the last (mini-)concert, and already time for me to go to Driv. I arrived about 45 minutes after the doors opened, and it seemed the concert had already begun. As it turned out, an unannounced support band was playing – they were really great, and I decided on the spot that I will definitely see them again in the near future. Because there were going to be two support acts, the first band started as early as 21:30, just half an hour after the doors opened… They were called The Great Big Taters, and this was their second concert in Tromsø this year. Had it been up to me, they could have been both support acts, that’s how great they were live… *g* I had found myself a spot a couple of meters back from the stage, but when The Great Big Taters left the stage, there was suddenly a lot of space free in front, right in the middle… For some reason I don’t really understand, I felt myself drawn to the empty space… And I HAD actually planned to enjoy this concert from inside the crowd… :pJackie Moonshine, the second support band, was as I had foreseen better indoor in the evening than they were earlier in the day at the university campus. They seemed to really enjoy playing for such a big audience, and savoured the applause and cheering from the crowd. And when they were asked to do an encore, they literally shone with delight… But they had used up their stage time, and had to pack up their gear. ... read on!

19.08.2009 Skambankt (Campus, Tromsø)

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

I was at work, just another ordinary Monday, when I suddenly got an e-mail saying “Did you know about this?”. There was a link enclosed, to the home page of Studenthuset Driv – the local student cafè/bar/concert venue. Oh – that’s nice, Skambankt will be playing in Tromsø this autumn… When? … In 2 (TWO!) days! WOW! That’s what I call a flying start of the week!
I headed straight down to Driv after work to get hold of a ticket… ... read on!

25.07.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Månefestivalen)

Saturday, July 25th, 2009
25.07.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Månefestivalen)

25.7.2009 Skambankt (Månefestivalen, Fredrikstad)

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

Yep, time for another festival! And this time with Skambankt AND Kaizers Orchestra, even on the same day. But I’ll keep the reports separate, so this one will probably be rather short – given that Skambankt had only about 40 minutes…
... read on!

17.7.2009 Skambankt (Slottsfjellfestivalen)

Friday, July 17th, 2009

Skambankt are busy playing festivals, and I’m gonna miss out on that? No way! The decision for Slottsfjell festival was easy: It’s right next to Oslo-Torp, where the cheap RyanAir flights go… =;-) And then, Kaizer Orchestra were announced for another festival the week after, so that made a great vacation. Two birds with one stone! Or actually three birds, ’cause just after I had booked the vacation, Skambankt were announced for the second festival as well! But more about that next week, now it’s time for Slottsfjell!
... read on!

17.07.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Slottsfjellfestivalen)

Friday, July 17th, 2009
17.07.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Slottsfjellfestivalen)

14.03.2009 Skambankt (Union Scene, Drammen)

Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Two great concerts so far – will the last one in Drammen keep up with that?
... read on!

14.03.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Union Scene, Drammen)

Saturday, March 14th, 2009
14.03.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Union Scene, Drammen)

13.03.2009 Skambankt (Hydranten, Hamar)

Friday, March 13th, 2009

And on we go! Concert number two, this time in Hamar. We spent the afternoon walking along the lake, very nice – but kinda cold, actually. But no worry, we got warm again at the concert…
... read on!