
09.03.2018 Skambankt (Rockefeller, Oslo)

Saturday, March 10th, 2018

Time for a trip down south (this still feels a bit weird for me to say, even after living in Trondheim for three and a half years now) for two concerts in Oslo and Drammen!

It feels like it’s been forever since I last was at Rockefeller, but great to come back – and yes, it’s one of the nicest concert stages around! It was pretty crowded as well, and with people who were clearly there to see Skambankt. So when they came on, the atmosphere was hot, and the crowd in front of the stage didn’t stop moving throughout the concert. People were singing along – not only during the old songs, but all the time! =:-O But of course, the old hits were the ones people were most excited about. O dessverre was the first (of many) song were the whole floor was shaking! Still, I don’t think anybody was disappointed about all the new songs in the setlist either.

I was impressed about how different this concert was to the one in Haugesund. That one was a club show, this one was way bigger. I couldn’t say which of the concerts was better, because both were awesome – I love small shows, but this one was “tighter”. Hardly any talking inbetween songs, full power from start to finish (yes, even through the ballads =;-) ).

And clearly, this resonated with the audience, they were in it 100% all the time. At one time, Terje thanked the audience, just to mention afterwards how weird it feels to him to be the little boy from the countryside, remembering traveling to Oslo to stand in the crowd at Rockefeller, now being on stage and saying “Thank you Rockefeller”. And it did look like the whole band was quite touched by the awesome reception when the concert was over. =:-)

Not much more to report, so here’s the full setlist:

  1. I dette huset
  2. Voodoo
  3. Fremmed i en fremmed verden
  4. Kommer snart hjem
  5. O dessverre
  6. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  7. Balladen om deg
  8. Levende legende
  9. Vår bør
  10. Stormkast #1
  11. Gribben
  12. Horisonten brenner
  13. Me sa nei
  14. Dynasti
  15. Anonyme hatere
  16. Malin
  17. Skambankt

The next morning, there was a small encore when Skambankt played a short set at the record store Big Dipper. It was early from a rockstar perspective, so some vocal chords weren’t quite awake yet =;-), but it was still a fun little show! Watch it here:

22.03.2014 Skambankt (Rockefeller, Oslo)

Sunday, March 23rd, 2014

Well … just one week since the last concert, but time for another (very) short trip up north to see Skambankt at Rockefeller! OK, I could have watched the live stream as well, but a) I didn’t know that when I booked my flight, b) Oslo is always worth a visit, and c) there are sooo many awesome people in Oslo that no live stream will ever be able to replace going there! =:-D

The “problem” with meeting friends before the concert is that you never get to the venue early – I had planned to check out at least Hold Fast, the second support band, but we arrived when they were almost done. Honestly, I didn’t get the impression that I missed much though … not my music.

When I arrived, I was suprised to still get a good spot in the front; it was rather empty. But it did fill up nicely before Skambankt went on, and it was crowded both on the floor and on both galeries. So it seems the live stream didn’t prevent people from showing up.

Now, the concert … I don’t really have a lot to report about that, to be honest. It was awesome and great fun, just like the others. And I couldn’t really choose a favorite show of those I have seen – Skambankt have been really constant. They deliver the same terrific show every night, and the difference is only the reaction of the audience. Which was pretty good in Oslo; maybe not quite as energetic as in Trondheim, but people loved it. And after the Wall of Death in Me sa nei, there was quite some …. uh, let’s call it “movement” as well. “Dancing” would maybe be the wrong word. *g*

The “Hei” part in Dynasti worked well this time – because the audience didn’t care about what the band had planned. =;-p They just sang the first verse instead of shouting back “hei”. He he … good solution, and pretty awesome.

Quite funny when Ted talked about Sort blod being a song from the new album – and who knows the one before? And the one before? And the one before? I was just waiting for him to trick the audience and ask about one too much, but no … *g* And then he announced that the next song would be from that (oldest) album – and someone from the audience shouted “Skambankt!” … “Uh, no, we have already played that one!” *lol*

They had already played Malin in the main set, so I wondered which song they would use as third encore. And I was quite excited when they started the encores with the Nok et offer intro! *yay* But no … we only got the intro, followed by Mantra, then Min Eliksir, and that was it … That was a little disappointing; I had hoped for a second block of encores, but no, that was it. A great concert though, and we all know that Skambankt don’t play three hours, so that didn’t take anything from the show.

Here’s the full setlist:

  • Anonyme hatere
  • Skambankt
  • O dessverre
  • Vår bør
  • Som en sirene
  • Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  • Sort blod
  • Me sa nei
  • Dynasti
  • Gamle spøkelser
  • Voodoo
  • Malin
  • Tanker som mareritt
  • Stormkast #1
  • Mantra
  • Min eliksir

And now I got to wait over a month for the show in Prague! =:-o

17.3.2007 – Photos Skambankt (Rockefeller, Oslo)

Saturday, March 17th, 2007
17.3.2007 – Photos Skambankt (Rockefeller, Oslo)

17.3.2007 Skambankt (Rockefeller, Oslo)

Saturday, March 17th, 2007
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Ja, ich weiß, das interessiert hier mal wieder niemanden. Sollte aber! Skambankt sind definitiv eine Wahnsinns-Live-Band, und da muß man weder Norwegisch können noch lernen wollen, weder Kaizers kennen oder mögen noch die Bandmitglieder toll finden oder was auch immer – wer härtere Musik mag, wird Skambankt mögen. Vielleicht nicht auf Platte, aber live mit Sicherheit. Ich bin ja der Meinung, sie sollten dringend mal ein paar Festivals in Europa spielen, dann wären sie hier richtig gefragt. Aber okay, andererseits verstehe ich ja, daß sie erstmal in Skandinavien “groß rauskommen” wollen. Diesmal haben sie in Oslo das Rockefeller gebucht – und gehen auch noch davon aus, das voll zu kriegen?!? Na, da drücke ich mal die Daumen! Und ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, daß ich mich selbst davon überzeugen werde, inwieweit das gelungen ist… =;-)
… weiterlesen!

18.11.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo )

Friday, November 18th, 2005

The next day was completely chaotic and annoying, but well, no wonder – the day before went too perfectly, so that today everything had to go wrong, of course. But not everything went wrong, and in the end we had almost everything we wanted. And definitely everything we needed. Thus it was perfect.
... read on!

18.11.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo)

Friday, November 18th, 2005
18.11.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo)

17.11.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo )

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

My last concerts of this tour, the “big finale” so to say, were two concerts in Oslo in Rockefeller. I must admit that I was just a wee bit sceptical about that – I mean, I’ve seen this show often enough now, and as the Rockefeller concerts were not the last concerts of the tour (only MY last concerts), I didn’t expect any suprises. Actually, there were no surprises – except for the fact that those concerts were among the best I’ve ever seen, and well, Kaizers are just the very very best band live!
... read on!

17.11.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo)

Thursday, November 17th, 2005
17.11.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo)

2.9.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo)

Friday, September 2nd, 2005

After nice conversations with the Japanese family that was staying in the same hostel room as I was (I SHOULD start to affort hotels, I think *lol*) I was on the way to the train station, meeting up with the Crazy Norwegians *g* there. Some of them, at least. =;-)
... read on!

2.9.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo)

Friday, September 2nd, 2005
2.9.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo)