Eigentlich wollte ich ja nur “irgendwo hin”, um die Zeit zwischen den zwei Festivals zu überbrücken. Daß das dann wieder La Vela Puerca war (zum dritten Mal innerhalb von zwei Wochen *g*), war eher Zufall – aber nach dem tollen Auftritt beim Open Flair war ich mehr als zufrieden mit dieser Entscheidung!
… weiterlesen!
14.8.2006 La Vela Puerca (Ampere, München)
Monday, August 14th, 200614.8.2006 – Photos La Vela Puerca (Ampere, München)
Monday, August 14th, 200612.4.2004 Kaizers Orchestra (Atomic Café, München)
Monday, April 12th, 2004Last time in Munich was great, so we had to be there again this time, of course! Or well, anyway! =;-) Finding the Atomic Café wasn’t very difficult, as we knew more or less where to go: always in the direction of the Hofbräuhaus, and then to the place where the tour bus is blocking the one way street… *lol* This problem was solved pretty fast, luckily, as otherwise it would have led to a total chaos. *g*
... read on!
12.4.2004 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Atomic Café, München)
Monday, April 12th, 200412.9.2003 Kaizers Orchestra (Atomic Café, München)
Friday, September 12th, 2003After the first seed was planted at the Rheinkultur and I had come to like Kaizers via MP3 and after the release of the CD via “Ompa til du dør” of course, I wanted to see them live again as soon as possible. Lena, with whom I had visited the Rheinkultur concert (and who actually made me go there, but that’s another story… *g*) found out that Kaizers would play in Munich. Well, yeah. We live in the Saarland, which is about 5-6 hours by car from Munich… Well, what are you gonna do? I definitely wanted to see them again. (And someone else wanted to go to Munich. OK, _and_ see them again. *g*) A few days before the concert I discovered that Kaizers would also play in Frankfurt and Cologne, but those dates were during the week whereas Munich was on Friday – and a nice week-end in Munich isn’t that bad anyway… =;-)
... read on!