Kaizers Orchestra
17.4.2004 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Viva Velinx, Tongeren)
Saturday, April 17th, 200417.4.2004 Kaizers Orchestra (Viva Velinx Festival, Tongeren)
Saturday, April 17th, 2004The concerts in Germany were over, now we were going to Belgium. First up was a concert in Tongeren. No problem – that’s only one and a half hours from Bonn! That’s what we thought… but we didn’t take into account the fact that there are NO signs telling you where to go in Belgium, so we accidentally drove into Liège and it took us over an hour to find our way back out… *sigh*
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16.4.2004 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Faust, Hannover)
Friday, April 16th, 200416.4.2004 Kaizers Orchestra (Faust, Hannover)
Friday, April 16th, 2004After a night that was much too short and an afternoon that was much too long, we started off for Hannover. The club was nice, and we were just in time for the first band of the evening. This band was called “Urlaub in Polen” and did electronic music, okay, that’s something I don’t care about, but well, I knew that before we came there… *g* Shirin and Joyce really liked the band though, and I gotta say, it’s okay to listen to it once in a while live, but only “once in a while” and “live”… =;-)
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15.4.2004 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Prime Club, Köln)
Thursday, April 15th, 200415.4.2004 Kaizers Orchestra (Prime Club, Köln)
Thursday, April 15th, 20044 days, 4 concerts – now the tour would really start! To wit, in Cologne in the Prime Club. There were many nice people waiting at the entrance already, and though I had planned to see the concert from further back this time (it must be stupid to see the same faces in front every night… *g*), I accidentally ended up in the first row anyway – big mistake! =;-) Of course it was extremely cool, but actually, it was a little TOO close to the center of the action. Somehow I was busy avoiding shoes, knees and microphone cables throughout the concert… and it was a little wet… *g* But still it was too good a place to give up on it. Who cares about a stiff neck? =;-)
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12.4.2004 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Atomic Café, München)
Monday, April 12th, 200412.4.2004 Kaizers Orchestra (Atomic Café, München)
Monday, April 12th, 2004Last time in Munich was great, so we had to be there again this time, of course! Or well, anyway! =;-) Finding the Atomic Café wasn’t very difficult, as we knew more or less where to go: always in the direction of the Hofbräuhaus, and then to the place where the tour bus is blocking the one way street… *lol* This problem was solved pretty fast, luckily, as otherwise it would have led to a total chaos. *g*
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4.4.2004 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Doornroosje, Nijmegen)
Sunday, April 4th, 20044.4.2004 Kaizers Orchestra (Doornroosje, Nijmegen)
Sunday, April 4th, 2004The second concert of the tour took place in Nijmegen, thus on our way back from Amsterdam. So of course we had to see this show as well! Kaizers had already played in Nijmegen once (I wasn’t there that time though), and that concert was great! At this tour’s concert The Jackal explained that they didn’t even know at the beginning they had already played there, but that they recognized the club at once when the arrived.
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