Kaizers Orchestra
5.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)
Wednesday, October 5th, 20055.10.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)
Wednesday, October 5th, 2005So, at the end of the tour (for me) two concert in Copenhagen – yeah! You just gotta experience the Danish audience once, or so I was told. *g* Getting there in the Kaizermobil, then a litte speed-sightseeing, then to the Vega. There I was completely surprised, I had expected something different, like people getting in line hours before the concert and a huge crowd in front of the place half an hour before the doors opened. OK, there were some people there, but not nearly as many as I would have expected. Which was good for us, of course. *g*
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4.10.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Modernes, Bremen)
Tuesday, October 4th, 2005OK, at some point in time there had to be a “stupid” concert. And today was the day – but it definitely wasn’t due to the band. They were giving all they had, as always, and the concert could have been one of my greatest shows. If the audience had been interested in what was happening on stage… but nobody cared. This was already obvious during Geoff Berner’s performance. I was in second row, and behind me – nothing. OK, maybe 10-20 people were standing there, but all the other people in the audience were sitting somewhere in the back, out of sight. Terrible! At least there were some “hardcore-fans” there, so we could do something to heat up the atmosphere (we even managed to get the first row to clap along, ain’t that great? *argh*), but the rest of the audience consisted of the worst and most boring people I’ve ever seen, at a concert, at least. If someone feels offended by that – good, this is exactly what I wanna say. *grr*
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4.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Modernes, Bremen)
Tuesday, October 4th, 20053.10.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Tivoli, Utrecht)
Monday, October 3rd, 2005The night in Utrecht started in a funny way – we had no idea where to go. OK, we had a street name, but Utrecht isn’t THAT small… So we were just going the way we thought should be about right, we only had a tiny map with very few street names on it, and soon we were completely lost. I stop by the side of the road to take my own look at the map and realize that we were exactly in the street we were looking for! And exactly in front of the house we were looking for. And just standing on a parking spot anyway. Unbelievable. *gg*
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3.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Tivoli, Utrecht)
Monday, October 3rd, 20052.10.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Ringlokschuppen, Bielefeld)
Sunday, October 2nd, 2005Somehow it’s always the same thing – the longer I’m on tour, the later I get to the shows… This time we got such a nice dinner that we couldn’t really get away from it and took much longer than we planned. But well, to make up for that we found the club without any problems and thus arrived about 10 minutes before Geoff Berner started – perfect, what else could you want! So there was just enough time to say hello to everybody and then the concert started.
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2.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Ringlokschuppen, Bielefeld)
Sunday, October 2nd, 20051.10.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Gebäude 9, Köln)
Saturday, October 1st, 2005Now, what the hell was that?!? This was somehow different. No idea WHAT was different, but it was definitely good. =;-)
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