Kaizers Orchestra

28.6.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Ulmer Zelt, Ulm)

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006
28.6.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Ulmer Zelt, Ulm)

25.6.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Parkpop Festival, Den Haag)

Sunday, June 25th, 2006
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Haldern lässt grüßen, kaum betritt die erste Band (Gem) die Bühne fängt es auch schon an zu regnen, die Sonne suchten wir vergebens in Den Haag aber der Auftritt der Kaizers ließ uns so manche Schirmattacke und durchnässte Klamotten vergessen.
… weiterlesen!

4.6.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Pfingstopenair, Passau)

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

That’s what you would call a triumph, I guess. But I’m getting ahead here. =;-)
... read on!

4.6.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Pfingstopenair, Passau)

Sunday, June 4th, 2006
4.6.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Pfingstopenair, Passau)

3.6.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Rock im Park, Nürnberg)

Saturday, June 3rd, 2006

Well, that was a weird start for Rock im Park. After looking for a parking space for almost an hour, a half-naked man (or better: boy) suddenly jumped into my car through the driver side window, landing on the shotgun seat, where he was then pulled out again by his friend. Neat and orderly through the door. Well, that won’t happen to you very often. *rofl* OK, but then I actually managed to find a parking space and was on my way to the Alternastage. Luckily Kaizers were the first band I wanted to see, and so I didn’t mind being one and a half hour late – I’m paranoid enough to leave much too early. So there was enough time to take a look at the Clubstage first and then walk back to the Alternastage to watch the last few songs of the Editors (I think it was them, some “The”-band, at least *g*). When they finished, I walked right into the center of the second row without any problem (uh, what was that?!?). OK, the sight of the stage wasn’t that good, ’cause it was just too high (but lateron that night I was happy about that), but I could see all Kaizers and there were several Kaizer-T-Shirts and fans with weird names right there in the front *g*, so I decided to stay there. And the view was really pretty good, the light was perfect for taking pictures, and the concert was great!
... read on!

3.6.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rock im Park, Nürnberg)

Saturday, June 3rd, 2006
3.6.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rock im Park, Nürnberg)

22.3.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Alter Schlachthof, Dresden)

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006
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(von Marit & Nadine)

Dresden sollte nun unser letztes Konzert werden, nachdem wir uns sehr kurzfristig dafür entschieden haben noch ein Konzert dran zu hängen. Dann hieß es sich ohne Stadtplan, lediglich mit map24 Ausdruck, auf die Suche nach dem Schlachthof zu begeben. Dank gutem Bauchgefühl haben wir diesen auch im zweiten Anlauf gleich gefunden. Jetzt brauchten wir nur noch die Tickets, die es aber dummerweise nicht am Venue direkt gab (d.h. es gab sie schon, aber erst an der Abendkasse … und wir konnten doch nicht warten) also ab in die Stadt und eine Vorverkaufstelle ausfindig machen. (nur gut das wir ein gutes Zeitpolster mitgebracht haben 😉 ) … weiterlesen!

21.3.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Backstage, München )

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

Oh my gosh, I love this band!
... read on!

21.3.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Backstage, München)

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006
21.3.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Backstage, München)

19.3.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Bierhübeli, Bern )

Sunday, March 19th, 2006

The nicest country to go with a car is definitely Switzerland. OK, you don’t get anywhere because of the speed limits, but everything is close by anyway, and contrary to certain other countries there’s lots of signs! =;-)
... read on!