Kaizers Orchestra

21.11.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Live Music Hall, Köln)

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

Gnaah, it’s starting again already… I decide to NOT get into the front this time but to stay somewhere in the back. But of course I need to say hi to the people standing in the front. And then I realize that this place would be just perfect for the concert and it would be more than stupid to return to the back before the concert starts. But tomorrow… I will really stay in the back tomorrow! *gg*
... read on!

18.11.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (KB, Malmö)

Saturday, November 18th, 2006

The next day we took the train to Malmö. Nice weather, a nice small town, and a hotel right next to the venue – life can be perfect… *g*
... read on!

18.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (KB, Malmö)

Saturday, November 18th, 2006
18.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (KB, Malmö)

17.11.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Trädgår’n, Göteborg)

Friday, November 17th, 2006

If there is one thing I planned for this tour, it was writing SHORT concert reports. But somehow I have the feeling I’m gonna drop that plan for the first concert already… =;-)
... read on!

17.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Trädgår’n, Göteborg)

Friday, November 17th, 2006
17.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Trädgår’n, Göteborg)

17.8.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Frequency Festival, Salzburg)

Thursday, August 17th, 2006

I hate big festivals. Actually, I should know that by now, but well… somehow I fall for it over and over again. And I just couldn’t say no when I saw this line-up, I just had to go there, and probably I would have gone there even without Kaizers playing at Frequency. Which would have been a bad idea though, because Kaizers were one of the big highlights of the festival for me – and without them, probably I would have hated the whole festival. The way it was, I just hated it “in general”, but there were some really great concert, mostly the Kaizers show (of course *g*), plus the concerts of Wir sind Helden, Art Brut and Fettes Brot.
... read on!

17.8.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Frequency Festival, Salzburg)

Thursday, August 17th, 2006
17.8.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Frequency Festival, Salzburg)

12.8.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Huntenpop, Varsselder)

Saturday, August 12th, 2006
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Hach ja die Holländer, ein nettes Völkchen und immer wieder wehrt sie zu besuchen, vor allem wenn man dies in Verbindung mit einem Festival oder Konzert tut. Denn im Gegensatz zu den Deutschen geht man bei den Nachbarn alles etwas relaxter an und muss nicht schon 2 Stunden vor Konzert/Festivalbeginn anstehen, um einem guten Platz zu ergattern. Aber so sehr ich die Gelassenheit vor der Bühne schätze, genauso wenig mag ich sie, wenn es um die Organisation geht … Warum muss man sein Geld in Wertmarken eintauschen, um sich etwas zu Essen oder zu Trinken zu kaufen, und warum muss das Festivalgelände nach 4 Stunden bereits aussehen wie ein Meer von Plastikbechern und anderen Müll? Da lobe ich mir doch die deutsche Praktikabilität und Ordnung 😉
… weiterlesen!

13.7.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Gurtenfestival, Bern)

Thursday, July 13th, 2006
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Hach wo soll ich hier bloß anfangen, ohne gleich euphorisch in die Welt
… weiterlesen!

28.6.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Ulmer Zelt, Ulm)

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006
28.6.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Ulmer Zelt, Ulm)