Kaizers Orchestra

8.8.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Taubertal-Festival, Rothenburg o.d.T.)

Friday, August 8th, 2008
8.8.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Taubertal-Festival, Rothenburg o.d.T.)

27.7.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Zeltival, Karlsruhe)

Sunday, July 27th, 2008

After coming home in the morning and sleeping all day, I was on my way to the Kaizers concert in Karlsruhe in the evening. Wohoo! They’ve never dared to come this close up to now! Only fourty minutes away (ok, plus traffic jams). The Zeltival area turned out to be very nice, lots of space to sit outside in the sun before the conert started. The concert itself took place in a tent then. And you could see that they had curtained off a part, so it was obvious that the show wasn’t gonna be sold out – but honestly, I had expected fewer people there, so it was absolutely okay in my opinion.
... read on!

27.7.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Zeltival, Karlsruhe)

Sunday, July 27th, 2008
27.7.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Zeltival, Karlsruhe)

26.7.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Val Lumnezia, Degen)

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

Three months since my last Kaizers concert – and 12 concerts of Die Ärzte in the mean time… so it was about time to get to see something different again!
... read on!

26.7.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Open Air Lumnezia, Degen)

Saturday, July 26th, 2008
26.7.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Open Air Lumnezia, Degen)

19.4.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Saturday, April 19th, 2008
19.4.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

19.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Saturday, April 19th, 2008

So. Now the big conclusion, the last concert of the tour, after almost 2 months on the road. Of course, I expected something special – a different setlist, collecting all forces again, gathering all the energy for the final show. But well… the concert turned out to be absolute average.
... read on!

18.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Friday, April 18th, 2008

Hmm… that was a strange concert. Really great in one way, of course – it was Vega, after all, and concerts there are always great. And then I was up on the galery for the first time this tour, and that was A LOT of fun. A great view over the whole stage, a lot of space for dancing and nobody in front of me (well, except for the extremely drunk girls next to me that leaned over the barrier all the time, blocking my view, but well *g*). And the atmosphere was really amazing!
... read on!

18.4.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Friday, April 18th, 2008
18.4.2008 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

17.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Train, Århus)

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

Baah, what a shitty day… the whole day on the train, then a really really bad hostel (City Sleep In – don’t go there… *grmbl*), no internet (and when I actually managed to find an internet café, the USB didn’t work, great…) and way too much hurry before the concert, because the guys had to start way too early again.
... read on!