I hate big festivals. Actually, I should know that by now, but well… somehow I fall for it over and over again. And I just couldn’t say no when I saw this line-up, I just had to go there, and probably I would have gone there even without Kaizers playing at Frequency. Which would have been a bad idea though, because Kaizers were one of the big highlights of the festival for me – and without them, probably I would have hated the whole festival. The way it was, I just hated it “in general”, but there were some really great concert, mostly the Kaizers show (of course *g*), plus the concerts of Wir sind Helden, Art Brut and Fettes Brot.
... read on!
Frequency Festival
17.8.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Frequency Festival, Salzburg)
Thursday, August 17th, 200617-18.8.2006 – Photos Frequency Festival (Salzburg)
Thursday, August 17th, 200617.8.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Frequency Festival, Salzburg)
Thursday, August 17th, 200617-18.8.2006 Frequency Festival (Salzburg)
Thursday, August 17th, 2006This entry doesn't exist in English.
Österreich liegt eigentlich außerhalb meines “Planungsgebietes” für Konzerte. Daher wäre ich wohl nie auf die Idee gekommen, zum Frequency zu fahren – wenn dieses Jahr nicht Kaizers Orchestra dort spielen würden. So guckte ich aber mal aufs Lineup – und zehn Sekunden später war mir klar: Da muß ich hin.
… weiterlesen!