
30.07.2011 Kaizers Orchestra (Eier mit Speck)

Sunday, July 31st, 2011
30.07.2011 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Eier mit Speck)

After a lot of festivals in Norway, it’s now time for some festival dates in Europe again. First one was Eier mit Speck festival in Viersen. Not really right around the corner for me, but well, you gotta do what you gotta do, right? =;-)

Even though traffic was bad this weekend, I made it to the festival grounds in time for the German band Phrasenmäher, and that was absolutely worth it – a very entertaining concert, and a very promising audience! And it continued like that throughout the evening with the bands Motorjesus and Betontod; the festival was nice and cozy, and there was a great atmosphere in front of the stage. And in the back, people seemed also interested in what was happening – so all in all, very promising!

Unfortunately, the band before Kaizers Orchestra, Triggerfinger, was a bit of a letdown, and it was obvious that quite a few people left the festival at that time. A pity! Luckiliy, however, it got more crowded again before Kaizers came on stage. They were about 15 minutes late; not much of a surprise, as the changeover time was very short with only 20 minutes. It had worked for the other bands, but it was just too short for Kaizers.

They had the Russian Dance as intro again. All afternoon it had been obvious that the audience did not or hardly know Kaizers – you could count the Kaizers T-shirts in the audience on the fingers of one hand, and beforehand, a lot of festivalgoers were asking “what kind of headliner is that?” Anyway, in time for the concert, the fans were gathering in the front!

But the rest of the audience had to be convinced first – according to the Jackal’s poll, at least three fourth of the audience were seeing Kaizers for the first time. And to cut it short: The concert was strange. It was fun, the audience participated willingly, but it didn’t quite catch on. One reason might have been missing communication… the Jackal hardly talked at all between the songs, and when he did, it was just the usual “hello” and “thank you” and “who has seen Kaizers before”. As soon as he did some more, like for example when the audience was cheering in Resistansen, the audience was totally into it. But it happened way too rarely… it seemed to me as if the audience was ready to play along and do anything and just needed a spark, but Kaizers didn’t give that spark. The concert was good, but it missed just a bit to be great. Of course you could argue that this spark should have been given by the audience, not the band – but then, if the major part of the audience has never seen a band, I don’t think you can expect that. Then it’s the band that needs to convince the audience, and that’s what I was missing. I’m kinda curious for feedback from people who’ve seen Kaizers for the first time at that festival.

The setlist: Ompa til du dør, Bøn fra helvete, Delikatessen, Din kjole lukter bensin mor, Veterans klage, Sigøynerblod, Resistansen, Diamant til kull, Psycho under min hatt, Svarte katter & flosshatter, Hjerteknuser, Kontroll på kontinentet, Maestro.

There were no encores, even though the audience (including me) had absolutely expected them, and they were written on the setlist as well. Seemed like the audience didn’t call Kaizers back on stage enthusiastically enough. It really didn’t look and sound that quiet to me, as the audience response was good (at least in the front and considering that the audience didn’t know Kaizers), and so the end was rather abrupt and sudden. That’s not the way to gain new fans, I fear… And I have no clue why they didn’t play En for orgelet this time (which was clearly the best-known and most popular song at Southside festival).
Well, “de slutter aldri å overraske deg” – “They never stop to surprise you.” Right!

So there’s not a lot to report from the concert, since there was almost no talk, as mentioned. I was surprised by the middle part of Veterans klage, where there was some kind of strange sound effect on the organ – sounded funny. Then there were a few song announcements à la “if you know only one Kaizers song, then it’s this one” and “you’ve probably never heard that song before, but it’s a huge hit single in Norway”. The latter was Hjerteknuser of course, and it starts “like this” – just that, unlike at other concerts, “this” was just the Jackal pointing to start the song; not him jumping off the barrel or dropping a towel.

Towards the end of the concert, there were lots of crowd surfers coming in, and Hellraizer was complimenting the security guys because they were doing a good job. “It’ good to be nice to the kids! It wasn’t like that in Norway a few days ago.” Hmm.

But to finish on a more positive note: Whenever there was some audience interaction, everyone had lots of fun, and the atmosphere was awesome at least in the front. And they played Diamant til kull, yeah! =:-D

18.06.2011 Kaizers Orchestra (Southside-Festival)

Saturday, June 18th, 2011
18.06.2011 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Southside-Festival)

Okay, where to start? With a “yeah, finally Kaizers again!”? With the mud? With a cheer for the sun gods?

Or maybe better with the disclaimer: Generally, I just don’t like festivals. However, since I attend quite a few (being a concert junkie brings that with it…), I feel like I have a pretty good overview over festivals and their organisation. And one thing is crystal clear: Even though Southside is one of the largest festivals in Germany, it’s also the one that is worst organized. Security seems to be a foreign concept; during my last visits, I’ve seen a few situations where it was pure luck that no-one was crushed or otherwise seriously injured. This year, I didn’t see situations like that, luckily; but then I was there for only about five hours.

This year (just like last year, by the way), the problem was the mud. It had been raining all day Friday, and so the ground was soaked, of course. And the organizers didn’t do ANYTHING. No, I don’t expect a mud-free festival, not at all. Yes, I had wellies, and I definitely looked worse after other festivals. But obviously the organizers just don’t care at all about their visitors… if they don’t even try to do anything to spare everyone from walking through ankle-deep mud on all the main paths. There’s straw, mats, boards – none of these will be sufficient to keep a whole festival area mud-free, but at least the organizers could show that they care and TRY to do at least a bit. Or that they don’t.

Anyway, enough complaining. But a Southside report without complaining is just impossible… *sigh* Well, at least our whole visit to the festival was really funny and relaxed this time, nothing like our last, “will we get out of here alive?”

So, Kaizers! After two and a half months, I finally got to see them on stage again! It filled up quite well in the front – at least on the left side of the stage. On the right, there was a… lake. (Well, I’ve seen trees in the front row before, I don’t wonder about anything anymore. *g*)

As intro, they used the Russian Dance again. Nice that they are using that one for the festivals again. I was a bit overwhelmed in the beginning by the switch back from club shows to festival concerts; you just can’t compare these two. During the intro, the audience was just dead, and even when Omen entered the stage, with his gas mask on, there was hardly any reaction. A bit of applause of course, but that was it, and during the first two songs (Ompa til du dør and Bøn fra helvete), that didn’t really change much. The audience was really quiet and reserved. I was getting a bit afraid, I have to admit…

But then Kaizers played Delikatessen, and the audience started to wake up. Slowly, but steadily! And then – the sun came out! So Kaizers lived up to their reputation of being the sun gods, yeah! First reaction on stage: “Oh, I’m so sorry, now the sun is out… it’s so stupid if you have to look into the sun all the time…” But later in the concert, the Jackal explained that actually, they had brought the sun down with them from Norway, just for us. “Oh, don’t mention it, it’s nothing. You can keep it!” Uh… thanks! I’ll bring it back with me at Øya festival then, okay? =;-)

Kaizers continued with a couple of new songs, first “Din kjole lukter bensin, mor”, then “En for orgelet, en for meg” – or rather “Eins für das Orgel und eins für mich” (which got an AWESOME reception!), and finally “Svarte katter & flosshatter”. The atmosphere was just great, the audience extremely loud, and it filled up more and more. I was standing pretty much in the front, so I couldn’t really see the area; but judging by the loudness, a LOT of people obviously got stuck on the way to the other stage… =:-D

Next up was Kontroll på kontinentet with a vast band introduction and a lot (loud!) singing, before it was time for gypsy music. And it was obvious that people (at least in the front) had been waiting for just that. So accordingly, Sigøynerblod and Bak et halleluja were met with enthusiasm, and there were lots of clapping, singing, and of course mud pogo! As conclusion for the concert we got Maestro, which made people dance and sing as well, of course, and 170.

Yeah! And they conquered another festival, without any doubt. I’m really looking forward to the press reports here!

Hmm… not much talking during the concert, actually, mostly about the weather. And of course the question who had seen Kaizers before, but not a lot to report here. But there wasn’t any need for more. I was glad and happy about once again seeing Kaizers conquering a new audience in less than an hour, from zero to hero. And they did that, without any doubt! Oh, wait, I remember one thing that was quite sad, actually: During Svarte Katter, in Omen’s “I just shouted into the microphone and now I’ll have to comb my hair before I can continue playing the organ” break, the cameras were SO off. The pictures on the video walls changed all the time, but they didn’t manage to show Omen at all until he had sat down again. Messed up the effect completely… =:-/

But nobody noticed. =;-) Just like the “… sold a few horses, got a decent name”. *lol* And before I start giving away all the mini failures now, I’ll rather stress again how nice it was to see Kaizers gain and conquer the audience so quickly through hard work (’cause it can’t have been easy in the beginning…). Well, they just have it!

And finally, a huge THANK YOU to the nice stranger who helped us get out of the mud in the parking lot. And uhm… a shout-out to all the poor souls who have to spend another day in the mess… =:-/

26.04.2011 Laternen-Joe (Roxy, Ulm)

Thursday, April 28th, 2011
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Mein zweites und letztes Konzert der Laternen-Joe-Tour, diesmal in Ulm. Und diesmal bin ich ohne den Hintergedanken “Waah, ich muss berichten, ich muss mitschreiben, ich muss alles mitkriegen” reingegangen – und wups hat es mir um Klassen besser gefallen. Wobei es auch objektiv besser war, allerdings nur teilweise. Das Gequatsche war in Graz eigentlich amüsanter. Dafür griffen DÄ – äh, Verzeihung, LJ natürlich! – tiefer in die Schatzkiste alter Lieder und gruben viele Perlen aus. Die zwar größtenteils nur kurz angespielt wurden, aber hey: Currywurst, Wie ein Kind, Lied über Zensur, Rettet die Wale, Was hat der Junge doch für Nerven, Erna P… ok, letzteres war ganz “normal” im Set, toll ist es aber trotzdem!

Los ging’s schon damit, dass Bela (also, Julia, is’ klar… *g*) dem LJ-Intro-Song ein paar weitere Strophen hinzufügte. Das war doch schon mal vielversprechend! Im weiteren Verlauf passierte aber ungefähr… gar nichts. Sie spielten Lied nach Lied runter, das war nett, das war okay, die Stimmung war gut, aber es war halt absolut nichts Besonderes. Und dann kündigten sie das letzte Lied an, es war klar, dass Unrockbar folgen würde – und plötzlich war nichts mehr wie vorher. Plötzlich fingen sie wild an rumzuimprovisieren, es wurde richtig viel gequatscht, und ab dem Moment wurde das Konzert genial! Es gab Lady in Black – das Publikum sang mit. Daraufhin wurden weitere Uriah-Heep-Songs angespielt – das Publikum sang mit. Und auch diverse andere Oldies kamen super an. Irgendwann später, wir sind jetzt schon beim lustigen Astronauten, verschwand Rod plötzlich von der Bühne, und die beiden anderen sahen sich an: “Du, Farin, wir sind allein auf der Bühne!!” Farin wusste sofort Bescheid und es folgte Die Einsamkeit des Würstchens… waaah! Und danach ein wildes Medley mit allem Möglichen – u.a. Sultans of Swing und Dolannes Melodie. Hach, bin ich froh, dass ich die NUK-Tour verpasst habe. *lol*

Gut, das alles war auch u.a. deshalb so amüsant, weil direkt vor mir zwei Mädels standen, die bei genau zwei Liedern mitgesungen haben: bei Lied vom Scheitern und Himmelblau. (OK, vermutlich auch noch bei Junge, aber da hatte ich sie noch nicht wahrgenommen.) Und ja: Man konnte das Unverständnis und die Verwirrung sehen. *lol*

Beim Gequatsche ging’s diesmal hauptsächlich darum, dass die Band offenbar recht wenig Schlaf bekommen hatte, denn neben dem Hotel quäkten irgendwelche Seehunde oder Robben. (Die Lokalpresse erklärte das mit dem Circus Krone nebenan…) Und über Farins Zimmer war jemand zwei Stunden lang mit einem Stepper zugange… Klar, dieser “jemand” war natürlich Bela, und daraus lassen sich viiiieeeele Kalauer reimen und in Liedern unterbringen! Ach ja, und die Robben war natürlich auch nicht echt, sondern das war in Wirklichkeit Rod. *g*

Außerdem waren LJ dieses Mal natürlich aus Reutlingen, und Farin resp. Jealousy dolmetschte die Ansagen vom Berlinerischen ins Schwäbische. Was er zugegebenermaßen deutlich besser hinbekommen hat als Bela. Wobei das nicht schwer war. =;-)

Und falls sich irgendwer fragt, was der Unterschied zwischen Krautrock und Heavy Metal ist – das können LJ erklären. Beim Krautrock dauern die Lieder 18 Minuten (“Geil, da müssten wir nur drei Lieder spielen!”) und beginnen mit einem gesprochenen Intro auf Englisch mit deutschem Akzent. Und je nachdem, in welcher Tonlage dieses Intro gesprochen wird, handelt es sich um Krautrock oder Metal.

A propos gesprochen – Unrockbar sollte es eigentlich in gesprochener Version geben, allerdings scheiterte Bela dabei grandios. Und das kurz nachdem er seinen eigenen Text nicht mehr wusste, er Farin aber auch das Vorsagen verboten hatte… *hüstel*

Ach ja, und die Freundin hat die Außerirdischen als Freunde geadded, nachdem sie statt eines Briefes einen Tweet geschickt hat. =;-)

Und das Fazit: Insgesamt hat das Konzert 20 Minuten gedauert – aber jede davon war 10 Euro wert!

24.04.2011 Xutos & Pontapés (Rockhal, Luxembourg)

Monday, April 25th, 2011
24.04.2011 – Photos Xutos & Pontapés (Rockhal, Luxembourg)

Last June, when I saw Xutos & Pontapés in Évora, I would have NEVER expected to see them again two more times in less than a year. But in February, they played in Switzerland, and now they played in Luxembourg!

And well… even though I loved the concert in Switzerland, now I know that it sucked. Big time. At least compared to what Xutos delivered in Luxembourg, yeah! =:-D

First of all, I was impressed by the size. I attended a concert at Rockhal just a month ago, and it was a rather small venue. OK, I knew that they had another hall as well, and I expected that to be maybe twice the size, but that would still be small. Well… turned out that the big hall was actually about ten times the size of the small one, and the small one was actually used as cloakroom this time. (No, I’m not kidding…) My guess is that there were about 5000 people at the concert. Which means 5000 Portuguese, somewhere in Luxembourg… I’m still amazed by that. =:-)

So a huge hall, lots of people, sunshine outside, great atmosphere inside. There was a support band as well, playing hard rock/metal, didn’t get their name though. It was nice as support, but nothing really special.

Then, at a quarter past ten, the lights went out again and it was time for Xutos! As I noticed that a lot of people were googling for the setlist of the Switzerland concert, I had decided to try and get a setlist after the concert, so I could post it here – didn’t manage to get one though, sorry… =:-( So here’s just a list of songs that I’m pretty sure they played. It’s definitely not complete though:
Ai se ele cai, Sémen, Não sou o único, À minha maneira, O mundo ao contrário, Perfeito vazio, Superjacto, Homem do leme, Para ti Maria, Chuva dissolvente, Dia de S. Receber, Alta rotação, Circo de feras, Contentores, Quem é quem, Classe de 79, Alegre casinha, Para sempre

The concert lasted almost two hours. Unlike in Switzerland, Xutos didn’t play as many new songs in the beginning but started with well-known songs – a good idea, I think. And the audience loved it right from the beginning! Somehow, it seemed much more like a concert to me and less like some kind of “happening”, as it was in Switzerland. So the atmosphere was great right from the start, and the band seemed happy to give us all they had in store. Just amazing!

In the middle, we got a little acoustic set, just like they did it last year in Évora. That was nice – however, I think it was a pity they played Maria during that part of the concert. I mean, everybody was waiting for that song, and we enjoyed it as well, but then… the “real” version rocks so much more! It felt a bit like an economy version of the song. =:-/ But then they went back to the “real rock” afterwards, with a gigantic speaker on the backdrop and “Alta rotação”. So I’m not gonna complain. =;-)

Xutos did play some of the new songs as well, of course, at the beginning of the encores. And it was obvious that a big part of the audience didn’t know them, and the reaction was close to zero. That was sad! Especially because it really doesn’t take much to like these songs… I mean, they played Classe de 79. My Portuguese is really pretty bad, but when I first heard that song live, I loved it right away. So if you actually understand what they are singing about, how can you just stand there and wait for the song to be over?!?

But apart from that, the concert was just amazing! =:-D Thank you for coming to Europe, Xutos! Now, how about a little concert in Germany next? *gg*

Here are some YouTube videos from the concert:

21.04.2011 Laternen-Joe (Orpheum, Graz)

Saturday, April 23rd, 2011
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Und mal wieder ein “Doppelbericht” – die detaillierte Konzertbeschreibung gibt’s vermutlich in der nächsten Prawda; die schreib ich jetzt nicht noch mal. Daher vielleicht eher das subjektive Empfinden, denn das war… hmm… ich weiß auch nicht?

Graz war toll – wunderbares Wetter, ein prima Hotel (obwohl’s eigentlich ein Jugendgästehaus war), strahlender Sonnenschein (hab ich mit “wunderbares Wetter” zwar eigentlich schon abgedeckt, aber es war so toll, dass man’s zweimal sagen muss *g*) und noch genug Zeit vor dem Konzert, um sich was Essbares zu suchen und sogar noch ein Eis hinterherzuschieben. Denn das muss bei solchen Sommertemperaturen einfach sein!

Dann ging’s zum Orpheum. Das Publikum passte klar zum Ärzte-Konzert, ich fühlte mich “zu Hause”, drinnen war’s winzig, aber nicht überfüllt – und dennoch, ich war so gar nicht in Ärzte-Konzert-Stimmung… Und das war insgesamt mein Problem mit dem Konzert. Objektiv betrachtet war das Konzert klasse. Ich hab ja gerade den “Detailbericht” geschrieben, und hey – die drei waren in bester Quatsch- und Laberlaune, und es war echt zum Schreien komisch. Und ja, ich hab mich amüsiert. Und ich war auch nicht genervt vom Publikum um mich rum, was mir sonst oft Konzerte versaut, wenn ich gerade nicht in Konzertstimmung bin. Nein, eigentlich war alles super… aber irgendwie fragte ich mich mittendrin mehrfach, was ich hier eigentlich mache… =:-/

Ich vermute, dass das zumindest teilweise mit der Kaizerstour zusammenhängt, die gerade zu Ende gegangen ist. Denn Kaizers- und Ärzte-Konzerte könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein, und ich bin eben noch im Kaizermodus… Kaizers nehmen das, was sie auf der Bühne tun, zu 100% ernst und setzen ihre volle Energie ein, um dem Publikum eine perfekte Show zu bieten. Die Ärzte kommen auf die Bühne und unterhalten mit Schwachsinn und Dilettantismus. Um’s jetzt mal ganz krass zu formulieren. =;-) Das ist zwar auch super, und hey – ich liebe diese Band!, aber irgendwie… im Vergleich zu “echten”, ernsthaften Bands mag das unterhaltsam sein, aber auch irgendwie unfair. Ach mann, ich weiß auch nicht, einfach seltsam…

Andererseits kann es auch daran liegen, dass ich wahnsinnig viel Zeit und Arbeit in diese Band investiere. Und wenn die dann nach ausgiebiger Pause endlich zurückkommt und mit 90-Minuten-Konzerten quasi Arbeitsverweigerung betreibt (denn ja, gemessen wird an früheren Leistungen!) und ich mich außerdem mit Teilen der Fans weder identifizieren kann noch identifizieren will, dann frage ich mich schon ab und an, ob es das noch wert ist. Und ob es nicht viel einfacher wäre, nur auf Konzerte in der näheren Umgebung zu gehen, statt mal kurz nach Graz zu fahren (wobei der Auslöser dafür ja ehrlich gesagt in nicht unerheblichem Maße das hier war *hüstel*), und das Konzert einfach nur mit ausgeschaltetem Hirn zu genießen, statt im Hinterkopf zu haben, dass man ja darüber berichten muss und besser mitbekommen sollte, was passiert und gesagt wird und was wie ankommt und wie das Publikum reagiert und und und.

Hrmpf. Resultat war jedenfalls, dass ich nach dem Konzert einerseits begeistert war, da es objektiv betrachtet ein wirklich tolles Konzert war, dass ich subjektiv aber keinen Bock auf weitere Konzerte hatte; ohne wirklich zu wissen warum. Sehr seltsam. Mal gucken – vielleicht ist das nach dem Ulm-Konzert anders. Ich HOFFE ja, dass es simpel und einfach am Kaizers-Tourloch liegt, dass das Ärzte-Konzert nicht so gezündet hat… denn irgendwo liebe ich DÄ ja doch, ganz klar. Und jetzt denke ich erst mal über das kleine Babykamel nach! =;-)

16.04.2011 Bonaparte + Laternen-Joe (Columbiahalle, Berlin)

Saturday, April 23rd, 2011
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Manno… da schreibt man über Jahre hinweg für jedes Ärzte-Konzert einen Bericht. Und dann gerät man ins Fanclub-Team und schreibt nach Konzerten “offizielle” Berichte – und zweimal übers gleiche Konzert schreiben ist ja irgendwie doof. =:-/

Daher fasse ich mich kurz, denn hier gibt es ja schon einen ausführlicheren Bericht.

Nein, wir wussten wirklich von nichts. Im Nachhinein betrachtet ist es fast peinlich, dass wir selbst als wir schon vor der Columbiahalle standen noch nicht wirklich gerallt haben, was jetzt passieren wird – denn da war es ja doch _eigentlich_ offensichtlich. Aber nu ja, “eigentlich” halt nur. =;-)

Über Bonaparte hab ich mich sehr gefreut – die hatte ich damals beim Sonnenrot verpasst und mir danach vorgenommen, sie mir unbedingt mal anzugucken, was aber bisher nicht möglich war. Heute sollte es dann also soweit sein – und um gleich mal vorzugreifen (wer sagt eigentlich, dass Konzertberichte chronologisch sein müssen?): Sie waren definitiv klasse. Leider war der Tag zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon ein wenig lang, ich entsprechend fertig und mein Hirn nicht mehr wirklich aufnahmefähig, daher empfand ich das Konzert ganz klar als “too much”. Obwohl, ob das Hirn da irgendwas mit zu tun hat? Ohne Hirn (also z.B. nachts um drei auf einem Festival) sind Bonaparte vermutlich genau die richtige Band, um abzufeiern. Also, bei normalen Konzerten wahrscheinlich auch, aber da sind sie mir halt doch einfach eine Spur zu chaotisch und wild. Reizüberflutung. Wenn man vor lauter Action auf der Bühne die Musik nicht mehr wahrnimmt, ist es einfach zu viel… Das ist jetzt aber absolut nicht negativ gemeint, denn mir hat das Konzert sehr gut gefallen, auch wenn ich es anstrengend fand. =:-)

Aber eigentlich war für mich ja doch eher das Vorprogramm das Hauptprogramm. Wir kamen rein, Blick zur Bühne: Schweden und Fahrstuhl auf den Gitarrenverstärkern. Damit war’s klar! OK, man hätte natürlich auch nach dem Skelett am Schlagzeug gucken können, und der Neue hat sicher auch irgendwelche eindeutig identifizierbaren Details, aber nu ja… *gg*

Los ging’s mit einem Einzug durchs Publikum, wo unter anderem auch Zu spät angespielt wurde und wo insbesondere Farin sich ein wenig unwohl zu fühlen schien. Aber egal, da mussten sie durch. =;-) Und auf der Bühne war dann auch gleich alles wie immer! =:-)

Die Setlist bot keine größeren Überraschungen – die Wikingjugend war eine, Mysteryland freute mich auch – aber klar, einem Überraschungspublikum müssen natürlich die Standardlieder präsentiert werden. Und ich war überrascht, wie sehr ich mich doch über den Opener Himmelblau gefreut habe… Also, weder über das Lied selbst noch darüber, dass sie das Konzert wieder mit diesem Lied begonnen haben, aber es war halt ein Sprung zurück zur letzten Tour, und das ist doch immer toll! =:-) Allerdings war das auch der einzige Moment, wo ich so richtig “geflasht” war. Es war toll, sie wieder auf der Bühne zu sehen. Und beim Gequatsche lag ich vor Lachen am Boden und war begeistert. Aber die Lieder hätten sie von mir aus alle weglassen können… *hüstel*

Das lag vermutlich auch zumindest teilweise daran, dass ich gerade von einer Kaizerstour zurück war und daher total im Konzertmodus – aber das waren halt nicht Kaizers, die da standen, sondern die Ärzte, und dann mit Standardliedern. Daher blieb die absolute Begeisterung und das willenlose Ergebensein aus. Das wurde aber durch den Überraschungseffekt (denn klar, wir haben uns NATÜRLICH gedacht, dass wir einen Warm-Up-Gig zu sehen bekommen würden, aber man glaubt es ja nicht, bevor es passiert, ne? *g*) und die Vorfreude auf die Laternen-Joe-Konzerte voll und ganz wieder ausgeglichen!

Ein wenig erschreckend war allerdings, wie wenig ich nach dem Konzert noch von den Sprüchen und Überleitungen zusammengekriegt habe. *hüstel* Das muss sich ändern! Wie soll ich sonst Berichte (jeweils zwei *argh*) über die Konzerte in Graz und Ulm zusammenkriegen?!?

09.04.2011 Kaizers Orchestra (Spektrum, Oslo)

Monday, April 11th, 2011
09.04.2011 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Spektrum, Oslo)

The legendary Spektrum concert… 9000 people in the audience, announced more than a year in advance, and the grand finale of the Violeta Violeta Vol. I tour!

Of course there had to be some special reporting for this concert. And there was – live via Twitter! And since I couldn’t really follow the concert while tweeting (which I had known beforehand, so I didn’t mind *g*) and there’s not really anything else to say anyway, here’s the live report from Twitter for you!

My judgment of the concert: It was amazing to see Kaizers in such a huge venue, and it really fit them! The conclusion with Die Polizei was just breathtaking – and I’m really looking forward to the DVD… The concert itself wasn’t really anything special. Actually, several concerts in Europe topped this one, regarding energy and humor on stage; but the atmosphere at Spektrum made up for all of that, so this concert was definitely a one-of-a-kind.

08:19:47: Live report from Kaizers Orchestra’s Oslo concert starting in about 10 hours here – if everything works as planned. Cross your fingers!

19:33:26: So, here we go! Sorry for being late, but now everything is set up. And the lights just went out – Micke from Sweden is on stage!

19:34:25: Kaizers told him he’s got 15 minutes before they throw him off stage. =;-)

19:38:00: “It’s like in the old times, in the war – they always send the old guys out first!” Micke from Sweden

19:38:57: Micke wanted to be part of Kaizers Orchestra – warming up for them is the closest he got. He’s known them for ten years now!

19:45:45: Spektrum isn’t filled yet, but Micke gets the audience to sing along – and they do so loudly!

19:51:00: Micke is done – and Geoff Berner just went on stage! Starting with the Maginot Line! Stupid, stupid!

19:52:28: Geoff seems satisfied: “Very good, gigantic mob of people!”

19:55:09: Spektrum before the concert. http://twitpic.com/4itr8v

19:55:58: Geoff’s next song: Fuck the police! And 8000 people are shouting just that…

19:56:47: Micke from Sweden http://twitpic.com/4itrwc

19:59:17: And now – of course – Whiskey Rabbi!

20:03:50: Geoff Berner: http://twitpic.com/4itu88 http://twitpic.com/4itun0

20:11:02: And everything’s very quick here – Jarle Bernhoft just came on and apologized that there is one more support band. =;-)

20:11:28: And Spektrum is almost full by now!

20:15:01: Jarle Bernhoft’s first song: Street lights.

20:19:33: Jarle wants people to watch the bonus material on the DVD. For example: So many faces

20:21:45: Jarle Bernhoft: http://twitpic.com/4iu1y6 http://twitpic.com/4iu2dh

20:28:19: After Jarle played Bittersweet, we got to dance now: Fly away

20:36:17: One more song for Jarle, and of course it’s Tears for Fears’ Shout!

20:41:58: Wait – why is a little club singing “Shout, shout, let it all out” louder than Spektrum? That’s got to change until Kaizers come on!

20:49:34: The audience at Spektrum http://twitpic.com/4iue25

20:52:55: So, while we’re all waiting for Kaizers to come on: Anything specific you want me to report about?

20:58:33: OK – Spektrum CAN be loud! However, we still have to wait a bit for Kaizers to come on!

21:05:48: And now the lights go out and the intro comes on! =:-D

21:07:49: Not the Russian Dance, but Begravelses Polka – and 9000 people can cheer REALLY loudly!

21:09:05: Omen bears his suitcase on stage, followed by Killmaster, Thunder, Mink, and Hellraizer!

21:10:35: And now: The Jackal followed by a film crew!

21:13:17: “Jeg visste det kom til å ta fyr!” First song: Delikatessen!

21:14:29: The whole band suddenly froze under Delikatessen – except for Hellraizer, who was confused what was going on. =;-)

21:15:23: Next song: Djevelens orkester. And 9000 people clapping and dancing. Or no – the stands are still sitting. Get up!!

21:19:37: Will people actually know Señor Torpedo? Sounds like they do, hell yeah!

21:21:13: The intro http://twitpic.com/4iuqsg

21:22:18: Delikatessen http://twitpic.com/4iur93

21:22:57: Next song: Veterans klage.

21:24:08: Kaizers have been on tour for 5 weeks now – total number of attendees: 9000 people. And now in Oslo: 9000 people!

21:25:10: “Let me see 20000 hands in the air!” – Sigøynerblod

21:27:56: “Det finnes ei trapp som går ned til en kjeller” – no, the Jackal does not need to sing Resistansen!

21:30:17: And of course the Jackal jumped into the audience!

21:30:46: Time for a little break – before they’ll start with the Violeta part of the concert!

21:32:18: Birds on the screen, Philemon Arthur & The Dung, and everybody’s singing!

21:34:26: “Kom inn og få deg litt… kaffi!”

21:35:19: The first time the Jackal sang with a lump in his throat…

21:35:35: And now: Five-four time with Femtakt filosofi!

21:36:18: Veterans klage http://twitpic.com/4iuwwi

21:37:08: Hands up in the air! Sigøynerblod http://twitpic.com/4iux9f

21:39:43: If there’s one guy the Jackal would sing a duet with, it’s – of course – Hellraizer! Din kjole lukter bensin, mor!

21:42:11: And a little ballet dancing at the end, while Spektrum sings “Det lukter bensin av den vakre kjolen min”.

21:44:03: Amazing singing! Next song: En for orgelet, en for meg.

21:44:41: The Jackal just ordered everyone on the stands: “Rise up!” And he didn’t have to ask twice!

21:46:01: Hellraizer’s rap part is cheered wildly as well – of course!

21:46:29: Philemon Arthur & The Dung http://twitpic.com/4iv0va

21:47:58: Now the Jackal’s up on the barrel with his bass drum.

21:48:30: Are we happy with the first part of the concert? OH YES!

21:48:50: And now the new song on Norwegian radio: Diamant til kull!

21:49:23: Femtakt filosofi http://twitpic.com/4iv1zh

21:51:05: “Sjå på deg nå – Med en fot i gravå så forsvinner du, go go go – Ah, eg kjenner deg så – Du kunne blitt en diamant, men i stedet er du kull”

21:53:55: There’s people from all over Norway at the concert – “it feels like the cup final in 87!”

21:54:08: Psycho under min hatt!

21:56:24: Hellraizer on guitar with his solo…

21:57:19: And now it’s time for Bond: Svarte katter & flosshatter!

21:59:56: Omen with the megaphone in the spotlight! And he only cares about combing his hair afterwards, tse… =;-)

22:02:20: En for orgelet, en for meg: http://twitpic.com/4iv6gz http://twitpic.com/4iv6to

22:03:44: Kaizers just got platinum for not only Violeta Violeta Vol I and Maestro, but also for the next song: Hjerteknuser!

22:04:33: And the Jackal doesn’t need to sing!

22:07:16: A bit of fishing for compliments – but there’s not really a need for that. But the Jackal is really amazed by the opportunity to play here!

22:07:52: Kaizer chants – and Kaizers traveled over all of Europe to see the Oslo audience.

22:08:23: And now the song that started the whole trilogy: Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice.

22:11:20: “Og så synger vi folkens!” Og duene på taket, de har aldri stått så stille…

22:12:32: Psycho under min hatt http://twitpic.com/4ivat6

22:13:06: Omen at the megaphone during Svarte katter http://twitpic.com/4ivb0h

22:14:31: And this concludes the second part of the concert. Omen starts the third part on the organ: Ompa til du dør!

22:15:18: Lots of chandeliers on stage – now that is something new!

22:16:01: Det kan bli jævlig varmt der nede!

22:17:41: And now the barrels are used for the very first time tonight! (Except for standing on them, that is… *g*)

22:19:33: So what’s the next song? Bum-bum-bum-bum bum-bum bum?

22:19:51: Right: Bøn fra helvete of course!

22:22:23: RT @Berekvam: Kaizers har satt uoffisiell norsk rekord i lysekroner:)

22:22:56: Henry er ikke en prest og ingen av oss er klokker!

22:23:15: And my first line in Norwegian: Schölischegüüüüt!

22:25:00: KONTROLL PÅ KONTINENTET! And everyone’s on their feet now!

22:26:00: Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice http://twitpic.com/4ivfwh

22:26:46: Chandeliers during Ompa til du dør http://twitpic.com/4ivg6y

22:27:06: Killmaster’s guitar solo – will he jump into the audience again?

22:27:28: No he doesn’t – at least not now. =;-)

22:27:58: “Do you want me to introduce the band now, just like in old times?” – Halleluja!

22:30:38: No surprise in the band introduction so far – and the Lord made Hellraizer look good in any color!

22:31:28: “And you will know him by his Indian name: He who hides his head under towels and gladly gives his picks away!”

22:32:43: Bøn fra helvete http://twitpic.com/4ivigx

22:33:36: Welcome to all first-timers – welcome to the Kaizers family!

22:33:46: At work! http://twitpic.com/4ivivx

22:34:39: The Jackal himself is the biggest Kaizers fan out there, even if there’s lots of “blodfans”. And now we get to hear his favorite: Maestro!

22:35:42: Sving din hammer!

22:37:54: Note: 9000 people speed up much more when singing “samvittigheten rein” than 500 do. =;-)

22:41:05: And that’s it: A thank-you to the fans, standing ovations for the band, and more than just lumps in the throat on stage…

22:42:09: Stomping on the stands – and they are back!

22:42:39: First encore: KGB!

22:43:39: Oh…. and the Jackal decided he doesn’t need a shirt. =;-)

22:44:45: Det er ikkje slutt før den feite damen synger!

22:45:16: Hellraizer http://twitpic.com/4ivncl

22:47:08: Maestro http://twitpic.com/4ivo0s

22:47:33: Hmm… Kaizers have a plan if we want another song? YES, of course we want!

22:48:02: The next song is maybe the best Kaizers Orchestra song ever: Dieter Meyers Inst.

22:50:13: Legg meg inn!

22:54:33: Good bye http://twitpic.com/4ivqwj

22:55:53: A gigantic conclusion for a great concert!

22:56:17: And off they go… the audience is demanding more!

22:56:33: Good bye http://twitpic.com/4ivrmp

22:57:09: KGB http://twitpic.com/4ivrv3

22:57:28: Dieter Meyers http://twitpic.com/4ivrzn

22:57:54: Dieter Meyers http://twitpic.com/4ivs5o

22:58:25: But yes, we DO get one more! Kaizers are back on stage, and now we’ll get Die Polizei!

22:59:38: If you have a lighter, turn it on!

23:01:22: Everybody’s singing – beautiful!

23:02:02: “And we know where you live….”

23:04:01: And while the audience is singing, Kaizers say good-bye once more…

23:04:53: Kaizers are off stage. And the audience continues singing! Gåsehud… =:-D

23:07:37: The first people are leaving – but the audience is still singing loudly.

23:09:07: Good bye http://twitpic.com/4ivwj8

23:09:29: Die Polizei http://twitpic.com/4ivwo7

23:09:54: Lighters in the audience… http://twitpic.com/4ivwu6

23:10:18: Kaizers chants now instead of the singing…

23:11:00: And now the lights went on – so that’s the end…

23:12:18: An amazing concert! Thanks a lot to Kaizers and to ALL Kaizer fans out there!

23:15:00: So thanks for following – let me know if you liked it! And after all the work it’s now time for partying, so I’ll call it a day.

23:15:18: Have a great night, all of you!

08.04.2011 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

It’s always great to come back to Scandinavia after some concerts in Germany/Europe, just because of the language – because suddenly the audience can sing along every single word and not only the lalala parts. And that is awesome, of course! And if the concert takes place at Vega in Copenhagen, the concert must turn out fantastic!

However, this time there were rather few people there, at least for Vega. The gallery was closed, but the hall itself filled up pretty well until the start of the concert. And when Jarle Bernhoft went on stage, it was obvious that the audience was really loud and wanted to have a great time! And that’s just how it continued for the remainder of the concert. It definitely wasn’t a “serious” concert where Kaizers concentrated on playing perfectly, but it was really about having fun; on stage and in the audience. You could see that already when the crew did a little guest appearance under Jarle Bernhoft’s Fly Away; they came on stage and showed us their dancing moves… *lol* That – of course – made us hope for a few crew tricks at this “last” concert of the tour, as usual for a lot of bands. But (unfortunately!), I’ve never seen any of those at a Kaizers concert, so we got a “normal” show.

But the concert was really funny nevertheless! The Jackal’s Danish lessons (he can pronounce “dører” perfectly in Danish by now, as the audience confirmed, and then he transferred the newly learned pronunciation rule to “tårer” in the following song; and of course we got the Danish version of “En for orgelet” as well), a birthday song for a fan (who actually wanted to hear Die Polizei, but the Jackal refused to understand that – at least not in the middle of the concert *g*), Hellraizer’s five seconds of fame in the break in Delikatessen, the guitar players up on the barrels again during Sigøynerblod, and after that a song “about a man who went down into a cellar”. And Omen seems to pass the time between his playing parts with a book by now. Or maybe he is studying where he needs to stand during his important appearance in Svarte katter, ’cause obviously he doesn’t quite know that yet – or why would Killmaster suddenly push him back two steps? =;-)

The setlist: Intro, Delikatessen, Djevelens orkester, Señor Torpedo, Veterans klage, Sigøynerblod, Resistansen, Philemon Arthur & The Dung, Femtakt filosofi, Din kjole lukter bensin mor, En for orgelet en for meg, Psycho under min hatt, Svarte katter & flosshatter, Hjerteknuser, Sju bøtter tårer er nok Beatrice, Ompa til du dør, Happy birthday, Bøn fra helvete, Kontroll på kontintentet, Maestro. Encore KGB and Die Polizei.

During Kontroll på kontinentet, Killmaster jumped into the audience again to play his solo – and the Jackal made sure that he didn’t just end up back on stage right away, by balancing on the guard rail and pushing Killmaster back into the audience. At least until he jumped in himself and the both of them surfed the crowd in parallel.

Maestro, KGB, and Die Polizei were the perfect conclusion for the concert. The latter with the audience singing along loudly, of course. Really beautiful… and a great conclusion for the tour! Not counting Oslo now. =;-)

07.04.2011 Kaizers Orchestra (Uebel & Gefährlich, Hamburg)

Friday, April 8th, 2011

Hmm… “strange”. That was my first thought after the concert! On the one hand, the concert was really great and awesome, but on the other hand it was… strange. I think that was due at least partly to the typically reserved Hamburg audience. The atmosphere in the front was great, and the first five, six rows were really going along. But further back, there wasn’t really anything happening at all; at least until a song was over. Then the whole audience went crazy and cheered very loudly! But during the songs, they didn’t do anything at all… which you could probably call polite. But I found it rather strange… =:-/

But the venue was really full! I forgot to ask whether it was sold out, but I don’t know where they could have put more people, so I just assume it was. *g* And as mentioned: The audience was really loud, even though a bit lethargic.

The setlist: Intro, Delikatessen, Djevelens orkester, Señor Torpedo, Veterans klage, Sigøynerblod, Resistansen, Philemon Arthur & The Dung, Din kjole lukter bensin mor, En for orgelet en for meg, Psycho under min hatt, Svarte katter & flosshatter, Sju bøtter tårer er nok Beatrice, Ompa til du dør, Bøn fra helvete, Kontroll på kontintentet, Maestro. Encore KGB and Die Polizei.

At the start of the concert, Kaizers had to work REALLY hard to succeed with the audience. So we got to hear sentences like “Well, you in the front are great, but you 500 people in the back, hands in the air now!” =;-) But they definitely managed to convince the audience! And even though I was worried a bit in the beginning that they might be annoyed by the cool reception, I didn’t notice anything like that.

This time, there was quite a bit of talking. The Jackal really made sure that his band colleagues were feeling well. He wiped their faces dry of sweat and fanned them air with a towel. “People always ask me: How do you keep the band together for ten years? Well, the answer is easy: Treat them well!” And after having to care for his band mates a bit more, he uttered a desperate: “You see, that’s how it’s been like for me for ten years now!” Poor guy… *g*

A bit later, he wanted to start Sju bøtter tårer er nok, Beatrice. But all attempts to start at the same time failed. The only solution: Throw a towel into the air, and everybody starts playing when the towel lands on the floor. Because “the magic is all in the towel!”

Again, they repeated a few elements from the last concerts, especially Hellraizer’s confusion about the break in Delikatessen, which he dragged out again, pretending to be the only one not “frozen”. Amazingly funny! And during Sigøynerblod, at least one of the guitar players made it up on a barrel this time. On the other hand, a few things were missing as well; the drum in En for orgelet, for example. And there wasn’t a screen either, which was probably due to the fact that Uebel & Gefährlich is a pretty small place and the backdrop probably just didn’t fit in.

In the first part of the show, the Jackal obviously realized that the tour is almost over now. So he looked back a bit and announced at the same time that they would be back next year. Yeah!

Unfortunately, there were some problems inbetween with the sound, and the Jackal’s microphone went out. That was sad, but then, it didn’t ruin the concert. =:-) At some point in time, Hellraizer complained about his microphone being turned off as well. But well, he’s supposed to have his guitar talk for him anyway! So he got the opportunity to do this right in the next song, when the Jackal asked him to play a 1:45 min solo! So under Psycho under min hatt, the Jackal was counting down the seconds of his solo.

Talking about solos; Killmaster modified his solo in Kontroll på kontinentet a bit and started paying his guitar like a harp or zither… sounded a bit unusual, but nice! The Jackal, however, didn’t like it at all: “Say boo for that solo!” Nobody did though… =;-) So he asked again if we really liked that?! And the two who said they didn’t were invited backstage for a beer..

Towards the end, the Jackal asked whether we wanted to hear another song? The audience cheered. Or maybe even two or three? The audience cheered even louder. “Well, just talk to me then, how should I know?”

So we got two more songs, and after that, it was time for the encores. After KGB, we could choose between two ballads: Kvite ruser and Die Polizei. Die Polizei won, which was probably smart because otherwise, only the first six rows would have sung.

So all in all a great concert – even though the audience was a typical Hamburg audience!

06.04.2011 Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

And the tour goes on – next stop: Berlin! Berlin is also known for great Kaizers concerts, and again, we got just that. In a way, the concert seemed like a rerun of the Munich concert, because they “recycled” some announcements and things (like for example Hellraizer’s confusion about the break in Delikatessen), but that isn’t bad at all – if it works, do it again!

Of course the concert started with Jarle Bernhoft, who changed the name of Postbahnhof in “Postbernhoft”. At least I think that’s what he did, if I understood it correctly. And as always, Jarle was a good sign for how the atmosphere during the Kaizers concert would be. He got a great reception, and so did Kaizers lateron!

The setlist was shortened a bit: Intro, Delikatessen, Djevelens orkester, Señor Torpedo, Veterans klage, Sigøynerblod, Resistansen, Philemon Arthur & The Dung, Din kjole lukter bensin mor, En for orgelet en for meg, Psycho under min hatt, Svarte katter & flosshatter, Sju bøtter tårer er nok Beatrice, Bøn fra helvete, Kontroll på kontintentet, Maestro. Encore KGB, Bak et halleluja, and Kvite russer.

Kvite russer was amazing – the audience was singing along VERY loudly, the Jackal owned them completely, and it was just really really nice. =:-) So nice that Jackal and Thunder stormed towards the microphone after the song and started singing something (which sounded too good to be just improvised, but even the Norwegians couldn’t identify a song). Until Omen, assisted by the crew, came on to drag them off stage. =;-)

By the way, the German translation for Bak et halleluja is “Hinter ein Halleluja” (just like the organ is still called “Eins für das Orgel und eins für mich” *g*). And in the middle of the song, Killmaster proved that you can also hit the barrels with a photo camera in your (other *g*) hand.

We got a slightly different version of Killmaster’s solo in Kontroll på kontinentet this time, because he jumped into the audience and played the solo while surfing. Which of course caused some wrong notes, but then who cares – it was awesome! =:-)

And also worth mentioning: In Sigøynerblod, we got the “old” version once again. The one with the guitar players up on the barrels and the “put your hands in the air like this!”

By the way, the venue seemed really packed – which isn’t really that surprising, because Postbahnhof is a bit smaller than for example Muffathalle. Thus the concert was really great!