
Konzerte   |||   Festivals

14.3.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Kulturhus, Arendal)

Friday, March 14th, 2008

After taking the last bus to Arendal, I had about four hours to kill before the doors even opened. Therefore I decided to wander around the town (which is SMALL). I spotted Terje, Geir and Tollak doing the same when I got to the town square.
... read on!

2.3.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Rokken, Volda)

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

The next morning we could catch up on some sleep (the breakfast is the limit… =;-)), as it was just a stone’s throw to Volda. Well, theoretically at least. Practically you need to take the Norwegian roads with all the ferries and toll stations into account there… But well, we arrived and had enough time to check out Volda, relax a bit and get a good dinner before we got on our way to the concert place. On the way, we found out that according to all posters, the concert had already taken place on 2/2. But well, that was only logical, as the concert in Sogndal didn’t take place on the 1st of March either but instead on February 30th… *rofl*
... read on!

1.3.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Meieriet, Sogndal)

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

The day after the concert in Bergen, and we were on our way to Sogndal. What was awaiting us there was a concert experience entirely different from the first concert: Instead of 3200 people in the audience, there were only 500 at the concert this time, probably even less. A good reason (apart from the other reason that it was my birthday =;-)) to get into the front row today! The queuing was a bit weird this time, but very comfortable for us, as we were allowed into the room right in front of the concert hall after only 5 minutes waiting already. So we could stand in the very front of the queue, have a drink and nice conversations before calmly walking into the first row.
... read on!

29.2.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Arenum, Bergen)

Friday, February 29th, 2008

Yeah! That was a great first concert of the tour – but as I don’t really have time for a long report, I’ll try to keep it short (I can’t really remember a lot anyway, especially I don’t have a clue about the setlist that was pretty different from the “normal” setlist):
... read on!

18.2.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Loppen, Copenhagen)

Monday, February 18th, 2008

It’s 5.45 am, and my alarm is waking me up after a night on a mattress on the floor in Helene’s room in Oslo. The day before, my friend Trine Lise and I arrived in Oslo after hitching a ride with my neighbor from Arendal. After about 3,5 hours in a car, we stood in the street outside what we hoped was Helene’s home. A phone call later we were inside and I met Helene in real life for the first time. We also met her friend Sara. The evening went by fast and soon we went to sleep, or tried to.
... read on!

15.12.2007 Die Ärzte (Maimarkthalle, Mannheim)

Saturday, December 15th, 2007
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So, lang hat’s gedauert… wie kann man auch eine Tour mitten in die Vorweihnachtszeit legen? Nu ja, jetzt ist sie ja erstmal überstanden. =;-)
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5.12.2007 Die Ärzte (Hallenstadion, Zürich)

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007
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Und wieder nur Stichpunkte aus akutem Zeitmangel. Diesmal aber nicht mal so viele, denn irgendwie ist nicht viel hängengeblieben… und das, obwohl das Konzert echt klasse war!
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4.12.2007 Die Ärzte (Messehalle, Friedrichshafen)

Tuesday, December 4th, 2007
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Keine Zeit, aber der Bericht muss trotzdem schnell sein. Also völlig unorganisiert:
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24.11.2007 Die Ärzte (Schleyerhalle, Stuttgart)

Saturday, November 24th, 2007
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Es wird eng! Die nächste DÄ-Tour steht an. Viel zu große Hallen, viel zu wenig Konzerte, aber toll wird’s hoffentlich trotzdem! =;-)
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23.11.2007 Die Ärzte (Rothaus Arena, Freiburg)

Friday, November 23rd, 2007
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Ausnahmsweise mal kein Stress bei der Anfahrt, kein Problem beim Einlass und Bändchen für die erste Welle – juchhe! Dort sah es allerdings SEHR seltsam aus. Der Wellenbrecher war nämlich gerade, parallel zur Bühne, und nicht wie sonst normalerweise schräg. Und da man nur auf der Rod-Seite reinkam und die meisten Leute natürlich genau in der Mitte stehen blieben, war links gähnende Leere. Wir hatten Platz ohne Ende, allerdings muss es von der Bühne aus sehr seltsam ausgesehen haben. Und für die Leute hinter dem Wellenbrecher war es natürlich furchtbar frustrierend.
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