
Konzerte   |||   Festivals

31.5.2008 Die Ärzte (Wuhlheide, Berlin)

Saturday, May 31st, 2008
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Am zweiten Berlin-Tag ging’s dann mal nach vorne – zweite Reihe, ganz an der Seite, tolle Sicht und kein Gedränge. Die Wuhlheide ist toll. =:-)
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30.5.2008 Die Ärzte (Wuhlheide, Berlin)

Friday, May 30th, 2008
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So, das Berlin-Wochenende ist schon lang rum, und bisher hatte ich keine Zeit zum Bericht schreiben… mittlerweile sind natürlich jegliche Erinnerungsfetzen weg. *seufz*
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24.5.2008 Die Ärzte (Schießtalplatz, Schwäbisch Gmünd)

Saturday, May 24th, 2008
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So, und dieser Bericht ist jetzt noch schwieriger, weil ich schon einen geschrieben habe, und der hier soll sich ja nicht überschneiden…
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23.5.2008 Die Ärzte (Europahalle, Karlsruhe)

Friday, May 23rd, 2008
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So, die Jazzfäst-Tour läuft, allerdings läuft auch noch furchtbar viel nebenher, daher gibt’s bei dieser Tour auch wieder keine schönen, ausformulierten Berichte, sondern mal wieder nur Stichpunkte…
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19.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Saturday, April 19th, 2008

So. Now the big conclusion, the last concert of the tour, after almost 2 months on the road. Of course, I expected something special – a different setlist, collecting all forces again, gathering all the energy for the final show. But well… the concert turned out to be absolute average.
... read on!

18.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Friday, April 18th, 2008

Hmm… that was a strange concert. Really great in one way, of course – it was Vega, after all, and concerts there are always great. And then I was up on the galery for the first time this tour, and that was A LOT of fun. A great view over the whole stage, a lot of space for dancing and nobody in front of me (well, except for the extremely drunk girls next to me that leaned over the barrier all the time, blocking my view, but well *g*). And the atmosphere was really amazing!
... read on!

17.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Train, Århus)

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

Baah, what a shitty day… the whole day on the train, then a really really bad hostel (City Sleep In – don’t go there… *grmbl*), no internet (and when I actually managed to find an internet café, the USB didn’t work, great…) and way too much hurry before the concert, because the guys had to start way too early again.
... read on!

16.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Uebel & Gefährlich, Hamburg)

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

Yeah, there we go! =:-) OK, the concert wasn’t better than Berlin, and maybe not even quite as good, but anyway absolutely terrific!
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15.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

Hmm… seems that Kreuzberg isn’t what it used to be. There’s Michael Jackson on the radio at a burger place right next to SO36, and the great punk record store on Oranienstrasse turned into a hard core store… =:-( Nevertheless it was nice being back in Berlin – and even though most people I used to know in Berlin have moved away again, I bumped into people I knew right away. So nice! =:-)
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14.4.2008 Kaizers Orchestra (Alter Schlachthof, Dresden)

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Well, if you ever wondered how the flood at the Elbe could come about – it’s not a surprise, considering how much it rains there… *grmbl* Or well, actually I arrived in the nicest sunshine. But as soon as I had dropped my stuff at the hostel and was ready to explore Dresden, it started pouring. And it just kept on raining throughout the night, it actually seemed more like swimming home after the concert than walking… *sigh*
... read on!