
Konzerte   |||   Festivals

19.06.2009 Die Ärzte (Southside Festival)

Friday, June 19th, 2009
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Zuletzt war ich 2005 beim Southside. Danach habe ich mir geschworen, da nie wieder hinzufahren, wenn ich bezahlen muss. OK, das musste ich diesmal nicht, also – warum nicht einen Tag hinfahren?
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17.06.2009 Die Ärzte (Sporthalle, Hamburg)

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009
This entry doesn't exist in English.

So, nach monatelanger Planung und richtig viel Stress war es nun also endlich Zeit für das “geheime Geheimkonzert” der Gurkentruppe aus Spree-Athen! Der Bericht hier wird knapp ausfallen, weil ich den Krams alles schon mal geschrieben habe und es ja nicht wirklich sinnvoll ist, ein und denselben Text doppelt zu schreiben – aber jetzt hab ich bisher zu jedem Ärzte-Konzert was geschrieben, dann mach ich das auch weiter. *g*
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2.5.2009 Kaizers Orchestra (Blæst, Trondheim)

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

After only three hours of sleep and seven hours on the train, we arrived in Trondheim – and the weather fit our mood pretty well… Cold, gray, rainy, and the last concert of the tour. Plus, there were rumors that too many tickets had been sold, which made us worry that the place would be so terribly crowded that the concert wouldn’t be any fun.
... read on!

1.5.2009 Kaizers Orchestra (Mono, Oslo)

Friday, May 1st, 2009

The next concert – Oslo, Mono. Actually, we had planned to see Killmaster’s photo exhibition, but no: It was closed because of the holiday. =:-( Too bad, but so we went on to the signing instead. And yes, I actually managed to buy my CDs! I had almost given up on that…The rest of the day, we enjoyed the great sunshine outside – spring at its best, not really what you would expect for Norway at this time of the year!
... read on!

30.4.2009 Kaizers Orchestra (Cementen, Stavanger)

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

And on we go! I’ll only list up my notes here today, because there is so much to do in Oslo (I heard there’s some photo exhibition that might be worth a visit *g*, and then there’s another signing session – and who knows, maybe it’s possible to finally get hold of a CD there?), so I just don’t have any time for a “real” report. =;-)
... read on!

29.4.2009 Kaizers Orchestra (Garage, Bergen)

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

Actually, I expected not to see Kaizers at all this year – but suddenly, in February, they announced the album Våre Demoner and the corresponding tour! First thought: Naaaah… that’s way too complicated, four days, four concerts, travelling to another Norwegian town every day… second thought: I CAN’T miss out on that!
... read on!

14.03.2009 Skambankt (Union Scene, Drammen)

Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Two great concerts so far – will the last one in Drammen keep up with that?
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13.03.2009 Skambankt (Hydranten, Hamar)

Friday, March 13th, 2009

And on we go! Concert number two, this time in Hamar. We spent the afternoon walking along the lake, very nice – but kinda cold, actually. But no worry, we got warm again at the concert…
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12.03.2009 Skambankt (Parkteatret, Oslo)

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

And here we go again – three days, three Skambankt concert! And NO problem whatsoever to get to Norway this time! =:-o Let’s hope that’s how it’s gonna stay…
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7.2.2009 Skambankt (Haugesund)

Saturday, February 7th, 2009

I really don’t know how all the bad karma about Skambankt concerts comes about. I mean, I made it to Haugesund without problems and saw another great concert, but right now I’m sitting at Haugesund airport with a chance of maybe 10% to actually make it back home today. Yeah. So forgive me if the report should sound negative in some way, it’s not because of the concert… =:-(
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