Author Archive
18.11.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo)
Friday, November 18th, 200518.11.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo )
Friday, November 18th, 2005The next day was completely chaotic and annoying, but well, no wonder – the day before went too perfectly, so that today everything had to go wrong, of course. But not everything went wrong, and in the end we had almost everything we wanted. And definitely everything we needed. Thus it was perfect.
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17.11.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo)
Thursday, November 17th, 200517.11.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Rockefeller, Oslo )
Thursday, November 17th, 2005My last concerts of this tour, the “big finale” so to say, were two concerts in Oslo in Rockefeller. I must admit that I was just a wee bit sceptical about that – I mean, I’ve seen this show often enough now, and as the Rockefeller concerts were not the last concerts of the tour (only MY last concerts), I didn’t expect any suprises. Actually, there were no surprises – except for the fact that those concerts were among the best I’ve ever seen, and well, Kaizers are just the very very best band live!
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15.11.2005 – Photos Skambankt (Fritz Club, Berlin)
Tuesday, November 15th, 200515.11.2005 Universal Open Mic (Fannz Club, Berlin)
Tuesday, November 15th, 2005OK, so Skambankt are coming to Germany, wow! On a weekday. To Berlin. But well – if I can go to Norway for concerts, I just HAVE to see the concert in Germany, right? Sadly I didn’t have any vacation left… but hey, what could possibly be more “punk” than getting on a plane directly after work, flying to Berlin, seeing a concert, sleeping on the floor, getting back on the plane veeeeery early the next morning and going directly back to work? =;-)
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6.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)
Thursday, October 6th, 20056.10.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)
Thursday, October 6th, 2005During the next day I did some more sightseeing – but somehow I wasn’t that impressed. Maybe because I walked around fairly aimlessly ’cause I had no idea about what to visit in Copenhagen? Or maybe I was just too tired? Or maybe Copenhagen is not really the most interesting city to visit? I don’t know, but it didn’t matter, I was not bored, and at night we went back to Vega. This time up to the gallery, ’cause I didn’t really want to go through all the pushing and sweating down in the front again – and also, ’cause I finally wanted to SEE what happens in the audience when Killmaster runs through the crowd and the Jackal jumps and so on. *g*
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5.10.2005 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)
Wednesday, October 5th, 20055.10.2005 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)
Wednesday, October 5th, 2005So, at the end of the tour (for me) two concert in Copenhagen – yeah! You just gotta experience the Danish audience once, or so I was told. *g* Getting there in the Kaizermobil, then a litte speed-sightseeing, then to the Vega. There I was completely surprised, I had expected something different, like people getting in line hours before the concert and a huge crowd in front of the place half an hour before the doors opened. OK, there were some people there, but not nearly as many as I would have expected. Which was good for us, of course. *g*
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