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01.-02.08.2014 Mini-Rock-Festival (Horb am Neckar)

Monday, June 30th, 2014
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Mini-Rock-Festival 2014

Mini Rock! Am 1. August ist es endlich wieder so weit – oder nein, genau genommen am 31. Juli. Denn wie schon im letzten Jahr wird das Mini-Rock-Festival am Donnerstag mit einer Warm-Up-Party eröffnet. Das Highlight dabei: Live-Karaoke – sprich Karaoke mit Live-Band statt Konserve als Begleitung! Klar, die Qualität davon steigt und fällt natürlich mit den Sängern … aber im letzten Jahr hat es die Aktion sogar (vertretungsweise) auf die Hauptbühne geschafft und war da äußerst unterhaltsam. Also ein guter Grund, um frühzeitig anzureisen!

Am Freitag geht es dann so richtig los: Headliner auf der Hauptbühne sind am ersten Abend SDP, mit den Emil Bulls als Co-Head. Stilmix deluxe – also absolut typisch fürs Mini-Rock-Festival! Am Samstag sieht es auf den ersten Blick etwas einheitlicher aus, denn die letzten Bands des Abends sind Zebrahead und Anti-Flag. Direkt davor spielen jedoch Trailerpark, und der Headliner im Zelt ist Maxim. Allein diese Bands zeigen die stilistische Vielfalt des Mini Rock; und die anderen 16 Bands kommen genauso aus den verschiedensten Genres. Und wie sich in den letzten Jahren gezeigt hat, funktioniert das wunderbar! Und auch wenn es sich meist erst am Abend so richtig vor den Bühnen füllt, sind auch vorher schon dankbare Zuhörer vor Ort – ab der ersten Band.

In diesem Jahr gibt es eine weitere Alternative für diejenigen, die den Tag weder vor der Bühne noch auf dem Campingplatz verbringen wollen: Nur ein paar Gehminuten vom Festivalgelände entfernt liegt der neue Horber Skate-Park, und der wird natürlich ins Festival einbezogen! Und zwar gleich richtig inklusive Skatecontest am Samstag nachmittag. Also Bretter mitnehmen!

Das Mini Rock wird in diesem Jahr zehn Jahre alt – klar, im Gegensatz zu Giganten wie Rock am Ring oder ähnlichem ist das natürlich nichts, aber für ein ehrenamtlich von Jugendlichen arrangiertes Festival ist das beeindruckend. Und ganz praktisch betrachtet bedeutet es für die Besucher, dass sie ein etabliertes, durchorganisiertes Festival mit bestens funktionierender Infrastruktur erwarten können. Und damit steht dem Spaß dann ja nichts mehr im Wege! Ob im strahlenden Sonnenschein bei 35 °C wie im letzten Jahr oder im strömenden Regen wie 2011 wird sich zeigen … aber auf jeden Fall mit toller Musik!

Tickets für das komplette Festival kosten 47 Euro ohne Camping oder 59 Euro inklusive Camping und 5 Euro Müllpfand. Tagestickets sind schon für 29 Euro zu haben. Alle Infos sowie das komplette Line-Up gibt es auf … weiterlesen!

08.-10.08.2014 Taubertal-Festival

Saturday, June 14th, 2014
This entry doesn't exist in English.

TTF_Logo_2014_klNoch 500 Tickets sind verfügbar – so die Meldung letzte Woche. Das heißt, dass es schon sehr bald wieder heißen wird: Das Taubertal-Festival ist ausverkauft!

Nach der Volljährigkeit im letzten Jahr geht das Taubertal nun ins 19. Jahr. Von Jahr zu Jahr wird eine eigentlich schon super funktionierende Infrastruktur immer weiter verbessert und verfeinert, sodass das Taubertal nicht nur das am schönsten gelegene Festival in Deutschland ist, sondern auch noch eines der angenehmsten für die Besucher.

Und auch das Line-Up passt dieses Jahr wieder zu 100%: Headliner in diesem Jahr sind die Sportfreunde Stiller, Casper und Seeed – ein wenig “lokaler” als in den letzten Jahren, wo an mindestens einem der Abenden ein internationaler Headliner auf der Bühne stand. Ein Rückschritt? Nicht wirklich, denn es sind alle grandiose Live-Acts! Und mit Biffy Clyro, Jimmy Eat World, The Subways, Ska-P und weiteren ist das Programm international wie immer – und stilistisch breit gefächert, auch das wie immer. Eine tolle Mischung an Bands also!

Auf der kleinen Bühne steht natürlich wieder das Emergenza-Finale im Fokus, und mit Zebrahead, Russkaja und Kakkmaddafakka gibt es auch dort perfekte Headliner, die ganz verschiedene Fangruppen ansprechen. Der Vorteil davon ist, dass die kleine Bühne ausreicht, weil nur ein Teil der Besucher den Abend dort ausklingen lässt (im Gegensatz zum Kraftklub-Auftritt 2012 dort, der für ziemliches Chaos sorgte). Der Rest macht sich derweil schon auf den Weg zum Zeltplatz oder in den Steinbruch zur After-Party, was die Besucherströme entzerrt.

Und die Geheimtipps in diesem Jahr? Die spielen eher früh am Tag. Freitags sollte man SDP nicht verpassen – deutscher Rap; lustig, eingängig und wunderbar selbstironisch. Am Samstag sind die Schröders ein Pflichttermin! Endlich wieder zusammen auf der Bühne, und natürlich beim Taubertal dabei, wie schon so oft vorher. Der Sonntag wird von den schwedischen Movits! eröffnet; laut Pressetext eine “explosive Mischung aus schwedischem Hip Hop und mitreißendem Big Band-Sound” – aus eigener Erfahrung völlig durchgeknallt und partytauglich. Perfekt also für den frühen Sonntag-“Morgen” (um 15.30)!

In nicht mal zwei Monaten ist es also wieder so weit: Bierbänke in der Tauber, Rocker in der Rothenburger Altstadt, Nachtwanderungen zum Campingplatz und ahnungslose Rockstars, die erste Bekanntschaft mit Rothenburger Schneeballen machen. Und natürlich mit einem begeisterten Publikum mitten im wunderschönen Taubertal!

Tickets gibt es (noch!) für 105 Euro (3 Tage) oder 50 Euro (1 Tag). Alternativ sind auch VIP-Tickets für 200 bzw. 80 Euro im Verkauf. Diese bieten Vergünstigungen wie eine VIP-Tribüne, einen eigenen Bereich Backstage (mit Bewirtung), bevorzugten Einlass und Shuttle-Service.

Festivals 2014

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

Time to plan this year’s festival season! Usually, I do this in a very similar pattern every year: Mini Rock and Taubertal are planned right from the start. Then I add some festivals in Norway where my favorite Norwegian bands are playing and the remaining line-up is interesting and fun, and then I search around for festivals that happen on the weekends that aren’t filled yet and that look like they are worth checking out.

This year, everything’s a bit different, and a bit more difficult. I’ll be moving this summer, and if I do something, I do it right, and therefore I’ll move from Germany to Norway. The plan is to move around August 1st, which means that Mini Rock will be really difficult to catch, and Taubertal might be impossible as well – really sad. But then, I’m absolutely used to stress in summer! So let’s wait and see … maybe it’ll work out after all

These are the festivals that I have on my list right now – let’s see which of these I’ll actually get to see:

Bukta (Tromsø, July 17-19, 2014)

The special thing about this festival: It takes place in Tromsø, thus above the polar circle, during the time of the midnight sun. I always wanted to experience that – and this year, it looks like it will actually work out. During the last weeks, quite a few real highlights were added to the line-up: Skambankt are of course my main reason for visiting, but the Dropkick Murphys, Patti Smith, and several Norwegian newcomers like Billie Van really make it worth taking the trip up north.

Check out the line-up on Tickets cost 1400 NOK (about 170 Euro) for three days – which is not cheap, but pretty “normal” for Norway.

Mini Rock (Horb am Neckar, August 1+2, 2014)

Not too big, friendly and likable, well organized – and always with a great line-up that contains both well-known names and surprises. This year, the headliners are Anti-Flag and SDP; which gives a good idea about the broad coverage of the festival. And the best part about this variety: The audience goes along with it! There are always fans in front of the stages, they are interested in what is happening, nobody complains about the “wrong” style of music, but people will just come and check out what they like and let others stand in the front if they like it better. And I think that this is mostly what characterizes the flair of the festival. Trailerpark, Maxim, and the Emil Bulls continue the mix of genres … or, to put it differently: Everybody will get to see the bands they love! And those that don’t care for the next act on the main stage can just check out the tent stage instead. Usually, there are always great bands to discover there.

Check out the full line-up here. Tickets are only 59 Euro including camping and “trash deposit” (which you’ll get back if you keep your camp site clean).

Taubertal (Rothenburg ob der Tauber, August 8-10, 2014)

If it works out for me this year, this will be my seventh Taubertal festival in a row. Why? Because it’s always awesome! The line-up is always right up my alley, the headliners are first class, and the festival grounds are arranged in a way that you can always find a spot with a good view of the stage, even if it’s really crowded. In addition, you can choose between camping and getting a hotel in the city. And either way you can always take a trip to the city center, either walking or taking the shuttle, which means that you have the free choice to start the day with breakfast at some café in town or in the festival beergarden, cooling your feet in the Tauber. Oh right, and then there’s music! This year, some of the acts are Seeed, Biffy Clyro, Casper, Sportfreunde Stiller, Ska-P, and the Subways. Plus SDP and Die Schröders – and many more, of course! The line-up itself is awesome; and if you additionally have lots of memories from previous gigs of these bands at Taubertal – The Subways after the Flood in 2011, Die Schröders on Sunday morning in 2008, Biffy Clyro as the big surprise last year – it’s hard to wait for the festival to start!

You can find the list of all announced bands here. Tickets for the whole festival are 105 Euro, or 50 Euro per day. There are also VIP tickets for 200 resp. 80 Euro. If you like your festival a bit more comfortable, these tickets are definitely worth the extra money.

Pstereo (Trondheim, August 15+16, 2014)

THE festival in Trondheim – I’ve never been there before, because even though it is a huge festival, the line-up never really convinced me. I guess that’s mostly because the headliners are often huge American or British bands, and it’s easier and cheaper for me to see them at festivals in Germany. 😉 It’s actually the same this year – Biffy Clyro will play at Taubertal Festival as well, and Franz Ferdinand were at Rock’n’Heim last year. But of course, Skambankt are a big plus and the reason for me to NOT miss the festival this year! Oh, and of course the little detail that I will be living in Trondheim from August. 😉

Here‘s the current line-up, and tickets are 1300 NOK (about 160 Euro).

Verket (Mo i Rana, August 29+30, 2014)

I’ve been to Verket Festival in Mo i Rana once before, five years ago. Mo i Rana is very far up north as well, just beneath the Arctic Circle. 2009 was the first time the festival was held. In the following years, the line-up was always awesome – but Mo i Rana is a “bit” hard to get to, and without any of my favorite bands in the line-up, I wasn’t really motivated to travel up there again. This year, Skambankt will be playing at Verket; and from Trondheim, it’s only a short trip (more precisely: about 6 hours *g*) to Mo i Rana. Yay! And except for Skambankt, the other announced bands up to now are Seigmen, Morten Harket, and Satyricon, amongst others. Did I say “Yay!” already? 😉

Not all bands have been announced yet, but you can check out the current bands on Tickets cost between 1100 and 1500 NOK, depending on when you buy them.

26.04.2014 – Photos Skambankt (Roxy, Prag)

Sunday, April 27th, 2014
26.04.2014 – Photos Skambankt (Roxy, Prag)

26.04.2014 – Skambankt (Roxy, Prag)

Sunday, April 27th, 2014
26.04.2014 – Photos Skambankt (Roxy, Prag)

Yay! Skambankt in Prague – the first-ever Skambankt concert that I could reach without getting on a plane. Awesome! OK, it meant seven hours of traveling anyway … but it was much cheaper than flying, and it’s so much easier to pack if you don’t have to fill all your liquids in tiny bottles. =;-)

I arrived in Prague in awesome sunny spring weather. I didn’t really make that much use of it though – I’ve been to Prague quite a few times before, so I skipped all the touristy stuff and preferred hanging out with a friend instead. Later, during the concert, Skambankt mentioned that they had been doing a Segway tour during the day. Wait, why did nobody ever tell me that there were Segway tours in Prague? I LOVE those thingies, my friend has never ridden one, and it would have been the perfect way to enjoy the sun. Well, next time then. =;-)

We arrived at the club about half an hour after the doors opened, and half an hour before Skambankt were supposed to start. I had been to the Kaizers show there last year (which was absolutely packed!), and I had of course expected this concert to be different – less people, less interest in the bands, more focus on partying and drinking. I had not, however, expected to walk into a venue that was basically empty! =:-o I mean, there were maybe five people sitting in the front and five more hanging at the bar, and up on the gallery there were two more – which actually turned out to be fellow Germans. =;-) We started kidding that we were probably more Germans at the concert than Czechs. Which was probably true. *g*

Anyway. Skambankt did NOT start at 8 pm as scheduled. Of course not, because there was basically no audience there … When they started half an hour later, it was a bit better. Still far from full, but it looked “okay” both on the floor and up on the gallery. It filled up more and more throughout the concert, and by the end of Skambankt’s show, it was pretty crowded. Not closely as crowded as during the Kaizers concert (which was way too crowded in my opinion), but an okay turn-out. Almost everyone was obviously there to see Karpe Diem though, and they clearly regarded Skambankt as the support band. And as Ted pointed out towards the end of the concert: Skambankt were doing what they always do, and if a concert is better than the one yesterday (uhhh, may I point out that your last concert was a month ago? *g*), this is due to the audience being better than the audience yesterday. Shortly after, Skambankt announced their last song, and the audience started shouting for Karpe Diem. ‘Nuff said … *rolleyes*

Anyway, there were some people that were interested in the concert and went along, so the audience wasn’t totally dead. They were just waiting for the main act … Skambankt absolutely delivered (except that they didn’t have Slukk meg on the setlist, booooh!), and the concert turned out just fine. Small and intimate, no pushing, lots of room to move – just not an absolute highlight. But: easy to get to. *gg*

The wall of death in Me sa nei was quite funny this time. They stopped, ordered the audience to spread out, and started the song again. And: nothing happened. *rofl* So they had to stop, actually EXPLAIN what they wanted the audience to do, and try again. =;-) Not without pointing out that while it might sound scary, there’s no need to worry, because there are lots of doctors around … (Maybe I should add here that the concert was part of a congress/workshop for Norwegian students of, amongst others, medicine … *g*)

It felt like Skambankt had to hurry through their set a little, since they had started so late. Not sure if they actually left out any of their planned songs (didn’t check a printed setlist), but at least it seemed that they were allowed to play all their songs in the end; even though they checked the time after each song. Here’s what they played:

  • Anonyme hatere
  • Skambankt
  • O dessverre
  • Vår bør
  • Som en sirene
  • Me sa nei
  • Mantra
  • Gamle spøkelser
  • Voodoo
  • Dynasti
  • Stormkast #1
  • Malin
  • Min eliksir

There was no break for encores. After Skambankt’s show, it was time for Karpe Diem, and they got a huge reaction. It was really obvious that people were there to see them, not Skambankt, and everybody was singing/rapping along loudly. Hmm … well, whatever. I went up on the gallery at some point during their show, and that was pretty cool, to look down at the crowd (which actually looked bigger from above than from down on the floor).

All in all, a fun concert and a great trip. I do prefer “real” Skambankt concerts … but now it’s time for festivals first, so I guess I’ll have to do with that for the next few months. =;-)

11.03.2014 – SDP (LKA, Stuttgart)

Sunday, April 13th, 2014
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Kurz vor Weihnachten: Mein Bruder schickt seinen Wunschzettel rum. Eine der gewünschten CDs: “SDP – Die bekannteste unbekannte Band der Welt” – cooler Titel, und so passend … nie von der Band gehört. Aber wofür gibt es Amazon und die Preview-Funktion … und so landete die Platte in meinem Warenkorb, kurz danach unter dem Weihnachtsbaum, und dazwischen in meinem Amazon-Player. (Hö hö … nie war es praktischer, Familienmitglieder mit gutem Musikgeschmack zu haben. Über die Heino-CD für meinen Vater breite ich lieber mal den Mantel des Schweigens … OK, es war die “Mit freundlichen Grüßen”, zur Ehrenrettung. *g*)

Kurz darauf wurde SDP als Headliner fürs Mini-Rock-Festival angekündigt. Yay – normalerweise werde ich dort immer von Bands überrascht, die außer mir jeder zu kennen scheint, von denen ich aber noch nie etwas gehört habe. Nicht so diesmal, denn die Platte lief zu dem Zeitpunkt schon rauf und runter bei mir. Und dann kamen sie auch noch ins LKA – na, dann kann ich doch mal bestens vorbereitet zum Festival erscheinen!

Ich hatte mir keine Karte im Vorverkauf besorgt, da die Woche sowieso schon so vollgestopft war und ich mich spontan entscheiden wollte. Und außerdem: “das LKA kriegen die doch nie voll, kennt doch keiner”. Äh … am Tag des Konzertes las ich dann auf Facebook, dass der Abend vorher ausverkauft war. Ups. Nun ja, no risk no fun, trotzdem mal los zum LKA. Parken sollte ja kein Problem sein, sind ja eh nur Kids da … denkste. War zwar – wie immer am LKA – kein echtes Problem, aber doch deutlich voller als erwartet. Und drinnen war’s auch schon richtig gut gefüllt. Und zwar mit deutlich gemischterem Publikum als erwartet!

Der Vorgruppenmensch heizte an – und ich überlegte die ganze Zeit, warum er mir so bekannt vorkam. (Die Auflösung: Romeo feat. Julia auf KIKA, was auch sonst. *lol*) Und dann war es Zeit für SDP!

Ich hatte vorab einige Bedenken, da ich ja nur das eine Album sowie ein paar wenige Lieder von Spotify gehört hatte – aber völlig grundlos. Die Show war super – immer was zu gucken, super Stimmung, Publikum und Musiker in ständiger Bewegung und mit breitem Grinsen im Gesicht. So muss es sein! Und vermutlich war es sogar von Vorteil, die Platten nicht auswendig zu kennen … Als ich mir nach dem Konzert die neu gekaufte aktuelle Platte anhörte, war ich doch ein wenig verwundert, dass die “Zwischenspiele” live genau wörtlich so wiedergegeben wurden. Es kam gut, keine Frage – hätte ich aber die Platte zuerst gehört, hätte es glaub ich sehr auswendig gelernt gewirkt.

Hab ich aber nicht, und so hatte ich einen Heidenspaß – wie auch die anderen Zuschauer. Auf dem Weg zum Auto rief mir ein andere Konzertbesucher einfach so zu: “War das genial, oder was?!”

Ja, war es. Und ich freu mich auf den Sommer und die Festivals!

22.03.2014 Skambankt (Rockefeller, Oslo)

Sunday, March 23rd, 2014

Well … just one week since the last concert, but time for another (very) short trip up north to see Skambankt at Rockefeller! OK, I could have watched the live stream as well, but a) I didn’t know that when I booked my flight, b) Oslo is always worth a visit, and c) there are sooo many awesome people in Oslo that no live stream will ever be able to replace going there! =:-D

The “problem” with meeting friends before the concert is that you never get to the venue early – I had planned to check out at least Hold Fast, the second support band, but we arrived when they were almost done. Honestly, I didn’t get the impression that I missed much though … not my music.

When I arrived, I was suprised to still get a good spot in the front; it was rather empty. But it did fill up nicely before Skambankt went on, and it was crowded both on the floor and on both galeries. So it seems the live stream didn’t prevent people from showing up.

Now, the concert … I don’t really have a lot to report about that, to be honest. It was awesome and great fun, just like the others. And I couldn’t really choose a favorite show of those I have seen – Skambankt have been really constant. They deliver the same terrific show every night, and the difference is only the reaction of the audience. Which was pretty good in Oslo; maybe not quite as energetic as in Trondheim, but people loved it. And after the Wall of Death in Me sa nei, there was quite some …. uh, let’s call it “movement” as well. “Dancing” would maybe be the wrong word. *g*

The “Hei” part in Dynasti worked well this time – because the audience didn’t care about what the band had planned. =;-p They just sang the first verse instead of shouting back “hei”. He he … good solution, and pretty awesome.

Quite funny when Ted talked about Sort blod being a song from the new album – and who knows the one before? And the one before? And the one before? I was just waiting for him to trick the audience and ask about one too much, but no … *g* And then he announced that the next song would be from that (oldest) album – and someone from the audience shouted “Skambankt!” … “Uh, no, we have already played that one!” *lol*

They had already played Malin in the main set, so I wondered which song they would use as third encore. And I was quite excited when they started the encores with the Nok et offer intro! *yay* But no … we only got the intro, followed by Mantra, then Min Eliksir, and that was it … That was a little disappointing; I had hoped for a second block of encores, but no, that was it. A great concert though, and we all know that Skambankt don’t play three hours, so that didn’t take anything from the show.

Here’s the full setlist:

  • Anonyme hatere
  • Skambankt
  • O dessverre
  • Vår bør
  • Som en sirene
  • Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  • Sort blod
  • Me sa nei
  • Dynasti
  • Gamle spøkelser
  • Voodoo
  • Malin
  • Tanker som mareritt
  • Stormkast #1
  • Mantra
  • Min eliksir

And now I got to wait over a month for the show in Prague! =:-o

15.03.2014 Skambankt (Samfundet, Trondheim)

Sunday, March 16th, 2014

After my last trip north and two Skambankt concerts that were even more awesome than expected I was really happy I had already booked my flight to the Oslo concert (that’s what happens if KLM unexpectedly puts out some extra cheap flights … *g*) – however, I had the feeling that this would still not suffice and I’d have to take yet another trip to Norway … =;-) Actually, I had set my eyes on Stavanger, but then I ended up going to Trondheim instead, for … reasons. The best part about that: it still leaves the option to go to Stavanger. *uhem*

Anyway. Arriving at Samfundet, I first found out that I was not on the guestlist. Well, nothing new here, that has happened before, and it’s usually not a big deal. This time it was no deal at all, because the answer was: “No, you’re not on the list … but hey, wait, I’ve seen you on TV! I’m sure you should be on the list. Here you go, just go in …” =:-o That felt very weird and very cool at the same time. *g*

I was there in good time for the support band Lydløs. And they sounded pretty good! Punk with Norwegian lyrics. And from what I read, their first concert ever, and for that it was really impressive. Thumbs up!

Also, I was kinda “impressed” with the sound – not that it was particularly good, but it was not particularly BAD. Which is good for Samfundet. =;-) Maybe because I was down on the floor instead of the stands for the first time there?

The Skambankt concert started out theatrically with the intro and the banner rising up. And it was clear from the beginning that this would be an awesome concert – the audience was REALLY into it, and everybody was loud and singing. There were mosh pits, hands and fists in the air, and the audience took over the singing quite a few times. OK, it didn’t always work out perfectly – we messed up the chorus in Mantra, and the “hei”-“hei” part in Dynasti took quite some practicing again (I still think that the audience is NOT to blame for that though; it’s just impossible to understand what Mr. Winters wants the audience to do there *g*). Still, the atmosphere was fantastic. Ted … argh, I think I’ll have to reconsider my style principles, writing “Ted” just feels awkward every time … – where was I? Oh right. Anyway. “Mr. Frontman” summed it up perfectly in the end: “Takk skal dokke faen meg ha!” An amazing concert in front of a fantastic crowd that was really into it. Perfect!

A funny little moment was the ending of Stormkast #1, where the audience was screaming hey, then the band would play, the audience would scream, the band would play … guess some things are just great fun, no matter which band is doing them and who is conducting. =;-)

In Me sa nei, Skambankt did their 2nd ever Wall of Death … Hmm, I know what I think about that. It does look amazing from above, I agree, and it might be great fun for some people to take part … but I guess they’ll soon stop doing it after the first fan hobbles out with a broken ankle. Or tibia. Which is just a matter of time …

Still, it was no problem to stick to the side and enjoy an awesome concert – everybody had a great time, the band went off stage with a “nå blir det fest!”, and everyone went out with big smiles on their faces. Yay, can’t be better! =:-D

The setlist was altered a bit on the spot – the planned list was the usual one they played every time, but they modified it a bit to fit the atmosphere. Here’s what they played:

  • Anonyme hatere
  • Skambankt
  • O dessverre
  • Vår bør
  • Som en sirene
  • Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  • Sort blod
  • Me sa nei
  • Min eliksir
  • Gamle spøkelser
  • Voodoo
  • Dynasti
  • Tanker som mareritt
  • Stormkast #1
  • Mantra
  • Malin
  • Våre folk

Addendum: OK, after seeing the video I take back the broken ankle. Wrong scale. I was thinking more about this. But I still think WoDs are stupid. =;-p

01.03.2014 Skambankt (Vinterrock, Øystese)

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

Just one flight, a short bus ride to Bergen, two hours walking around town in bright sunshine, and another two-hour bus ride later, it was time for my second concert of the weekend!

Øystese is a small town in the middle of nowhere – middle of very picturesque nowhere, to be precise -, and it had hosted a gigantic Kaizers concert last year. The plan was to repeat that success this year, but then … Skambankt are not Kaizers, and neither are Grand Island (the headliner of the first night of the festival), so that meant that the concert took place in a huge hall in front of a few people. =:-/ You’d think that such a concert is doomed to be rather … slow? boring? awful? Something like that …

The support bands were okay, but nothing I’ll remember in any way. The audience … well, hadn’t arrived yet, was outside smoking, or didn’t really care. Really bad signs for a good concert … but no reason to despair, because as long as the band delivers, you can still have great fun at a concert even if the audience sucks. Or is not there. =;-) But then it’s of course terribly difficult for a band to deliver without feedback from the audience.

I didn’t check how the crowd looked when Skambankt came on. From the front it seemed that there were a few more people than for the other two bands, but it was still very far from crowded. The first three rows were into the concert, the rest … hmm, not sure. However, I felt like the audience was quite loud, when chanting for encores and screaming hey and so on. Maybe I only heard the first three rows, not sure, but still it was great to hear them joining in! Even though it did seem like the majority of the people in attendance were of the “that’s one of the Kaizers guys’ new band, no idea what they do, but let’s go there” kind who had maybe heard Voodoo and Malin but nothing else. Still, better than not going at all!

And the band? Delivered. Wait, I meant DELIVERED! Honestly: The concert, thus what happened on stage, was just as awesome as the one in Copenhagen. The energy was there, the sound was great, and you couldn’t hear or see the apparent Märkbar disaster. *gg* Of course, all in all the Copenhagen concert was much better than this one, but I didn’t regret at all traveling all the way for this show.

The setlist was exactly the same as in Copenhagen. The only noteworthy details I remember (oh come on, who am I fooling – I don’t remember, but I’m smart enough to take notes during the concert *g*) were that we had to count down from 28 (!!) in Me sa nei this time, which took quite a while … but funnily, that worked out great and seemed to involve the audience. It got so much louder towards the end, and it got people engaged. Also, we got a bit of an explanation this time in Dynasti: “First I say hei and then you say hei – that’s just politeness!” And when it worked and Ted applauded us, the audience started clapping along very fast which didn’t fit at all. *lol* Did I say the audience was a bit weird? =;-) But willing to join in, and that was great.

And I just gotta say how much I love it when I’m going to a concert alone, without having arranged anything before, and find great company all around for the whole night. And morning. *uhem* Thanks guys, it was a pleasure, and … guess I should check the flight prices for Stavanger … =;-)

Addendum: Gosh, how could I forget mentioning the nice birthday wishes from stage? Thank you! And obviously the common way to congratulate someone on their birthday in Øystese is fistbumping. =;-) OK, honestly I prefer that over hugging if the person congratulating is drunk and I’ve never seen them before. *gg*

28.02.2014 Skambankt (Pumpehuset, Copenhagen)

Saturday, March 1st, 2014

It’s been four long years since my last Skambankt concert – way too long! Still, I didn’t really know what to expect. I really like the new album and didn’t doubt that the songs would work great live – but then, would it still be as much fun as four years ago? I mean … I’m four years older, they are four years older, and young bands like Honningbarna took over the genre … =;-)

Still, I decided for a birthday trip up north. One concert in Copenhagen, one in Øystese. Crazy, I know, but also great fun! So, first stop Copenhagen, meeting up with amazing friends, a quick dinner and then on to the concert. Missed the support band, but arrived just in time for Skambankt!

The concert had been moved to a bigger stage – a very good decision, because that one was a “real” stage and not some pedestal in the corner. And it was crowded enough that it didn’t look empty, though everyone had plenty of room to dance. Perfect!

When Skambankt started with Anonyme hatere, the audience remained rather quiet. Warming up, on both sides, I guess … And also throughout the concert, the new songs were received well, but they didn’t really get the audience excited. It was all the old songs that did that! And there were plenty of them. A really good and varied setlist, even though I missed Alarm …

Not sure if it was true that the album only came out in Denmark last Monday, as Ted claimed. That would explain the “quietness” during the new songs. Still, that wasn’t really a problem, the audience was hot and wild anyway. And they knew the old songs and went crazy for all of them.

The first highlight was of course O dessverre – or actually O desværre, as they brought in Johan Olsen as guest singer. No idea if they did that at the other shows in Denmark as well (probably not), but it was a nice surprise!

And on they went with old and new, the audience got more and more into it, and by the time they played Dynasti, everyone was screaming and shouting. So instead of starting the second verse, Ted just shouted “Hei” – which seemed to me like we were supposed to sing now, but hey … it’s been four years, _I_ certainly don’t remember the lyrics! *gg* But actually, he just wanted us the scream “Hei” back at him, which worked out great after practicing it for only … five minutes or so. =;-) And then it was so awesome that he didn’t want to stop: “Just one last time! … Or, once more! … Just one more time! … Last one now!” *gg*

They went off after Stormkast #1, of course to come back for encores. We got to choose – well, more or less. The audience of course wanted all the songs, but we only got three more, pff. *g* Interrupted by a short “Oh, Bones got problems with his bass drum, we’ll have to pass the time … any questions?” (Wonder where he got that from … *lol*) But then everything worked again and we didn’t even get to ask a single question. =;-)

And that was it! I thought it was awesome; way better than expected, and at least as great as I remember from four years ago. And with almost one and a half hours well worth traveling up north. But now I want more more MORE …! =:-D

The setlist:

  • Anonyme hatere
  • Skambankt
  • O dessverre
  • Vår bør
  • Som en sirene
  • Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  • Sort blod
  • Me sa nei
  • Gamle spøkelser
  • Våre folk
  • Voodoo
  • Dynasti
  • Tanker som mareritt
  • Stormkast #1
  • Mantra
  • Malin
  • Min eliksir

Addendum: Oh, I just realized I forgot to mention the nipple licking incident. *rofl*
NO, calm down, no slash fiction coming up … =;-) But one couple in the front was really having fun throughout the concert, with quite a few “oh gosh, am I really seeing that” moments, both for us right behind them and probably also for the guys on stage. *g*