Author Archive

9.12.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

The last concert. Dreaded and awaited at the same time…
... read on!

8.12.2006 – Photos HGH (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Friday, December 8th, 2006
8.12.2006 – Photos HGH (Vega, Kopenhagen)

8.12.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Friday, December 8th, 2006

Hmm. Operation first row went wrong, we ended up in the second – so I have to admit, I didn’t really get much of what was happening. =;-) But it was great anyway!
... read on!

7.11.-8.12.2006 Kaizers Orchestra

Friday, December 8th, 2006
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Muß man zur Kaizers Orchestra-Tour irgendwas sagen? Eigentlich nicht. Es wird die dritte Tour zum Maestro-Album sein, und gleichzeitig die letzte. Danach kommt ein Jahr Pause, ein neues Album, und dann wohl 2008 wieder eine Tour.
… weiterlesen!

7.12.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Thursday, December 7th, 2006
7.12.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

7.12.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Vega, Kopenhagen)

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

Hah… now I know what I missed last week!
... read on!

1.12.2006 – Photos Boppin’B (Landespavillon, Stuttgart)

Friday, December 1st, 2006
1.12.2006 – Photos Boppin’B (Landespavillon, Stuttgart)

29.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Uebel & Gefährlich, Hamburg)

Wednesday, November 29th, 2006
29.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Uebel & Gefährlich, Hamburg)

29.11.2006 Kaizers Orchestra (Uebel & Gefährlich, Hamburg)

Wednesday, November 29th, 2006

OK, at some point in time there had to be a concert that was a little more difficult for Kaizers. And actually, this is much more interesting. If Kaizers need to work a little once in a while instead of everything just working out perfectly without them doing anything at all. =;-)
... read on!

28.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)

Tuesday, November 28th, 2006
28.11.2006 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Postbahnhof, Berlin)