Author Archive

1.3.2007 Skambankt (Aalborg)

Thursday, March 1st, 2007

Three concerts in a row, fairly close together. Starting on my birthday. It didn’t take long to decide which concerts of the tour I definitely wanted to see! Plus, I had heard a lot of praise about the concerts in Denmark, and now I wanted to see it for myself.
... read on!

14.2.2007 – Photos Eagles of Death Metal (LKA Longhorn, Stuttgart)

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007
14.2.2007 – Photos Eagles of Death Metal (LKA Longhorn, Stuttgart)

10.2.2007 – Photos The Busters (Backstage, München)

Saturday, February 10th, 2007
10.2.2007 – Photos The Busters (Backstage, München)

29.1.2007 – Photos Skambankt (Mono, Oslo)

Monday, January 29th, 2007
29.1.2007 – Photos Skambankt (Mono, Oslo)

29.1.2007 Skambankt (Oslo)

Monday, January 29th, 2007

Skambankt release their new album, and of course they celebrate it with a release concert at Mono in Oslo. It took me about five seconds to decide I want to be there. =;-) And it was the right decision, the concert was amazing!
... read on!

27.1.2007 – Photos Cloroform (John Dee, Oslo)

Saturday, January 27th, 2007
27.1.2007 – Photos Cloroform (John Dee, Oslo)

27.1.2007 Cloroform (John Dee, Oslo)

Saturday, January 27th, 2007

Skambankt do their release concert, and at the same weekend, Cloroform play in Oslo. Sometimes things work out perfectly. =:-)
... read on!

19.1.2007 – Photos The Busters+Yakuzi (Sudhaus, Tübingen)

Friday, January 19th, 2007
19.1.2007 – Photos The Busters+Yakuzi (Sudhaus, Tübingen)

19.1.2007 The Busters+Yakuzi (Sudhaus, Tübingen)

Friday, January 19th, 2007
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Hach ja, schön war’s! Die Busters machen immer wieder Spaß, und Yakuzi auch.
… weiterlesen!

19.1.2007 The Busters (Sudhaus, Tübingen)

Friday, January 19th, 2007
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Die alljährliche (oder all jahreswechslige oder so *g*) Busterstour. Mittlerweile kennt man die Daten ja eigentlich schon. =;-) Toll ist, daß diesmal teilweise wieder Yakuzi als Vorband dabei ist. Was will man mehr? (Nu ja, das einzige, was mir an “mehr” einfallen würde, wäre endlich mal ein Konzert in Heidelberg am Wochenende, und nicht immer donnerstags… *grr*)
… weiterlesen!