Author Archive

16.3.2007 Skambankt (Drammen)

Friday, March 16th, 2007

Ryanair sucks. It is cheap, it is reliable, but why the hell does it have to leave at 6 something in the morning? So, if you meet me at some concert in Norway, don’t even bother to ask why I look like I didn’t get any sleep the last few days. I probably didn’t.
... read on!

14.3.2007 Tele (Merlin, Stuttgart)

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007
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Tele habe ich einmal im Vorprogramm von Wir sind Helden gesehen. Da fand ich sie durchaus interessant – allerdings konnte ich das Konzert nicht wirklich genießen, da ich total gehetzt und viel zu spät dran war, dann nochmal ans Auto rennen mußte, um meine Ohrstöpsel zu holen und dann irgendwo ganz an der Seite gestanden habe…
… weiterlesen!

7.3.2007 – Photos Virginia Jetzt! (Röhre, Stuttgart)

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007
7.3.2007 – Photos Virginia Jetzt! (Röhre, Stuttgart)

7.3.2007 Virginia Jetzt! (Röhre, Stuttgart)

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007
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3.3.2007 – Photos Skambankt (The Rock, Kopenhagen)

Saturday, March 3rd, 2007
3.3.2007 – Photos Skambankt (The Rock, Kopenhagen)

3.3.2007 Skambankt (Copenhagen)

Saturday, March 3rd, 2007

After a funny episode in the record store (“Can we get those Skambankt posters?” – “Sure. Hey, you’re the ones who took photos of the posters yesterday, right?” Photos?? We?!? NEVER! *rofl*) and a long and silent train ride, only disturbed by the conductor running off with our tickets (“I need to check this!” – yeah, we are evil foreigners, but we forgot to pack the stones anyway…), we arrived in Copenhagen to the sound of police sirens. Luckily this was all we got to see of the riots – there was LOTS of police everywhere, but things seemed to have calmed down. But we stayed in the city center, so who knows what was happening elsewhere…
... read on!

2.3.2007 – Photos Skambankt (Voxhall, Århus)

Friday, March 2nd, 2007
2.3.2007 – Photos Skambankt (Voxhall, Århus)
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Photos: Nadine

2.3.2007 Skambankt (Voxhall, Århus)

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

After a much too short night in a much too stinky hotel room and a much too dry shower, we got on the train to Århus. Not without collecting a stack of free newspapers on the way… “Street war!” – “This is just the beginning!” – “Nørrebro turned into a combat zone!” – “Police: Keep your kids away!” Hmm… maybe we should skip Copenhagen. Or maybe we should at least pick up some cobblestones on the way? =;-) Or well, maybe we should just assume that the Danish press isn’t better than the German.
... read on!

1.3.2007 – Photos Skambankt (Studenterhuset, Aalborg)

Thursday, March 1st, 2007
1.3.2007 – Photos Skambankt (Studenterhuset, Aalborg)

1.3.2007 Skambankt (Studenterhuset, Aalborg)

Thursday, March 1st, 2007
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Hmm. Eigentlich ist diese Seite schon zu Genüge skambankt-infiltriert. Obwohl – kann es je genug sein? Nix da.
… weiterlesen!