Author Archive
9.8.2007 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra beim Sziget Festival (Budapest)
Thursday, August 9th, 20079.8.2007 Kaizers Orchestra (Sziget Festival, Budapest)
Thursday, August 9th, 2007Kaizers Orchestra at Sziget Festival! And as it happens, I’ve been wanting to go there again for quite some time now, more precisely for 7 years. Because in 2000, I was at Sziget and I just loved it. That time, Die Ärzte were the reason for me to go to Hungary, and since then I have been keeping an eye on the line up – but it never was quite good enough to convince me to take the trip again. Kaizers alone wouldn’t have been enough either, but as there were a lot of great bands apart from Kaizers playing as well, the plan was clear: I’d finally make it back to Hungary for a nice summer-sunshine-vacation with Budapest sightseeing during day time and lots of great music at night! =:-)
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7.8.2007 Disco Ensemble (Gloria Flames, Oslo )
Tuesday, August 7th, 2007Da schmeißt man seinen Urlaub um, setzt sich tagsüber in den Zug statt nachts, versucht wilde norwegische Emails zu verstehen, um auch sicher reinzukommen, rennt dann hungrig durch halb Oslo, um sich danach mit halbverbrannter Pizza vollzustopfen, nur um sich dann eklig verschwitzte Kerle in viel zu kleinen Jeans und Pyjama-Oberteilen (wahlweise Omas feschestem Pullunder) anzutun und dabei vor Hitze zu zerfließen. Aber hey – das war es wert! =;-)
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7.8.2007 Disco Ensemble (Gloria Flames, Oslo)
Tuesday, August 7th, 2007Tja, da bucht man seinen Urlaub und plant bis ins kleinste, was man so alles an Zugfahrten und Übernachtungen braucht. Und dann kommt eine Band wie Disco Ensemble und kündigt an: “Ach, wir spielen übrigens ein kleines Konzert in Oslo!”
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3.8.2007 – Photos Skambankt beim Raumarock (Åndalsnes, Norwegen )
Friday, August 3rd, 20073./4.8.2007 – Photos Raumarock (Åndalsnes, Norwegen)
Friday, August 3rd, 20073.8.2007 Skambankt (Raumarock)
Friday, August 3rd, 2007Skambankt are playing lots of festivals this summer, and I had decided to see at least one. And as the only “convenient” festival (Øya in Oslo) was at the same time as Sziget and thus not an option, I decided to stick to just one festival. No problem, as I hate big festivals anyway, so I didn’t really have the feeling to miss anything by skipping the other festival concerts… (OK, I’m ignoring the fact here that “big festivals” refers to German festivals and that Norwegian festivals won’t count as more than tiny according to German standards, of course… *g*) So I checked the line-up of all the festivals, and when I saw that Hopalong Knut played at Raumarock, the decision was clear. (Pulpit announced the line-up way too late, so well, again no Zahl for me… *sigh*)
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3-4.8.2007 Raumarock (Åndalsnes)
Friday, August 3rd, 2007Skambankt are playing lots of festivals this summer, and I had decided to see at least one. And as the only “convenient” festival (Øya in Oslo) was at the same time as Sziget and thus not an option, I decided to stick to just one festival. No problem, as I hate big festivals anyway, so I didn’t really have the feeling to miss anything by skipping the other festival concerts… (OK, I’m ignoring the fact here that “big festivals” refers to German festivals and that Norwegian festivals won’t count as more than tiny according to German standards, of course… *g*) So I checked the line-up of all the festivals, and when I saw that Hopalong Knut played at Raumarock, the decision was clear. (Pulpit announced the line-up way too late, so well, again no Zahl for me… *sigh*)
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3.-4.8.2007 Raumarock (Åndalsnes, Norwegen)
Friday, August 3rd, 2007Ich lerne gerade ganz viele neue norwegische Festivals kennen, weil Skambankt da spielen. Und ich hatte schon Anfang des Jahres beschlossen, daß ich mir da wohl das ein oder andere von gönnen würde.
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