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Monday, August 17th, 2009

I’ve seen lots of Kaizers concerts. Good ones, bad ones, festival shows, club shows, you name it. Lately, the concerts have changed… not to the worse (not at all!), but they are somehow different.

It started with the “b-sides tour”, the tour where Kaizers played lots of songs they normally don’t play. What did I expect before that tour? Honestly: “Yeah sure, they say that every time, and then they play the same stuff as always. Just like they always say they’ll change the setlist every day, and in the end, they never change anything.”

Then I heard about the setlist from the first concert and couldn’t believe it. But hey: “Yeah, okay, first concert. They’ll change the setlist, latest when they come to Europe.” Yes, of course they did. But only slightly! And I would have bet all my money on a “boring” setlist, at least in Europe.

Then, out of nothing, they suddenly announced the Våre Demoner album and the corresponding club shows. Something completely different. A triumphal tour, I have to say – it was just perfect. And 100% different from every other Kaizers show I’d seen so far!

Then the concert together with Farmers Market. Now there’s another cooperation with Nephew. Geir is doing documentaries about Kaizers. They announced a theater play, containing their music.

The festival shows this year are fantastic. I’ve only seen one up to now, but that was one of their best festival shows I’ve seen. And from what I read, the other festival shows are at the same level – which is something that is fairly unusual for Kaizers, to be honest. They tend to have a few great concerts and then a bad one. That’s just the way it is – or the way it used to be, at least.

So, why am I writing all that? Well, to me it seems that at the moment, Kaizers try really hard to NOT do the usual stuff. To do concerts differently, to play different songs, to change songs. Or in other words, to not get bored by what they are doing.

And yes, that’s really what I feel they are doing: Trying to hold on, trying to keep things interesting. Or maybe even to make them interesting again. I have a kind of feeling that they are burned out. That they can’t go on the way they used to. That they either have to do something different or call it a day and stop. No more Kaizers.

And honestly, this summer, this triumphal Våre Demoner tour followed by the fantastic festival shows, would be just the time to quit. ‘Cause you should quit while you’re ahead, right? And I doubt it can go up much higher. They are at their best, absolutely.

So yes, I admit, I am a bit afraid Kaizers will be history soon. I hope they won’t, I hope they can find a way to go on, to have fun in what they are doing, and I really don’t want them to quit.
But if they do, I won’t be one of the people screaming “you can’t do that to us”. Because it’s not about us, the fans, but about the band. And we have the memories. And the music. Of a fantastic band.

And this video sums it all up – another hint? Hopefully not…

Kaizers go theater

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

Hmm… OK, so Kaizers will do a theater play now. Based on their lyrics, based on their text universe.

I don’t know. Somehow, I feel bad about that. Not so much because I think this might “be the end” (but that deserves another entry) – because hey, if that’s what they choose, that’s what they choose, and it’s just a fact to deal with, not anything to be sad about. But because I think it doesn’t do them justice.

I know that for lots of people, and even for a lot of fans (which I can’t really understand, honestly), Kaizers is their “mafia universe”. Well, sure, that is part of Kaizers. You can’t listen to the first albums without delving into the Kaizers universe. But is that really all? Can you reduce Kaizers to mafia, to the dark and mysterious, to Resistansen? No, I don’t think so. It’s just lyrics, nothing more. Music needs lyrics, so you have to come up with something, whatever it might be. For Kaizers, it was the underground universe, at least in the beginning. So yes, this milieu is related to Kaizers in my opinion as well. But it’s NOT what makes Kaizers.

Kaizers are so much more. I really can’t see them reduced to just this mafia thingy. And I fear that this is just what will happen. And they push it themselves, that’s what I don’t really get. But well, we’ll see – I’m sure it’s gonna be a fun play, no question about it. I’ll love it. It will be Kaizers. But it will never be all that Kaizers stand for, at least not for me. And I find it really sad that lots of people see Kaizers in this context, and in this context only. And no, I’m not talking about the people who hardly know Kaizers, but mostly about the fans. The fans that didn’t like Maskineri because it didn’t have a theme. (Of course it’s fine to not like Maskineri, but this reason is pretty lame…) The guys who judged competition entries and rejected my text adventure because it didn’t have a Kaizers atmosphere (meant was: a mafia atmosphere… ’cause there was a Kaizers atmosphere, but you would have to look at it for more than two minutes to find it…). The people that insist on gas masks and oil barrels on stage.

I always had the feeling Kaizers wanted to get away from that image. And now they turn around, 180°, and focus on the image they wanted to get rid of. Now, anybody care to explain that to me?

08-09.08.2009 Taubertal-Festival

Saturday, August 15th, 2009
This entry doesn't exist in English.

So, mal wieder zum Taubertal-Festival – langsam werde ich da Stammgast! Dieses Mal ging es allerdings nur für zwei Tage hin, Samstag und Sonntag. Und das, obwohl die meisten interessanten Bands am Freitag gespielt haben… *seufz*

Das hatte dann auch zur Folge, dass ich das Programm dieses Mal ziemlich langweilig fand. Samstags kam ich erst relativ spät (und durfte dann erst mal wieder eine – allerdings in meinen Augen doch ziemlich amüsante – Odyssee zwischen Kasse, Passbüro und Pressestelle durchlaufen). Dann erstmal was zu essen, ‘ne halbe Stunde In Extremo (okay, aber nicht wirklich meine Musik) und ‘ne halbe Stunde The (Int.) Noise Conspiracy (klasse!), und dann ging es los zum Fotografieren beim Farin Urlaub Racing Team.

Natürlich hatte es mittlerweile angefangen zu regnen… *grmbl* Im Gegensatz zu meinen letzten Festivals war es dabei allerdings WARM, und daher konnte mir der Regen nicht die Laune verderben. Eher schon der Hang… das war schon eine schwer rutschige Angelegenheit, sich da nach dem Fotografieren noch einen brauchbaren Platz zu sichern. Und vor allem, da dann auch stehen zu bleiben, wenn einem mal wieder jemand von hinten in die Haxen gerutscht ist… Ich will ja gar nicht wissen, wie die “Hang-Wall-of-Death” ausgesehen hat – da war ich noch mit Durchkämpfen beschäftigt. 😉

Das Konzert war insgesamt jedenfalls sehr unterhaltsam, auch wenn ich mir keine Details gemerkt habe. Und die Festivalatmosphäre war (trotz der natürlich auch vorhandenen Menge an Idioten) doch wieder sehr nett, so dass es keine schwierige Entscheidung war, ob ich noch den Sonntag bleibe oder nicht.

Das Problem am Sonntag war aber das gleiche wie am Samstag: Keine interessanten Bands! Ursprünglich hatte ich vor, noch in die Stadt zu fahren, aber das war mir dann irgendwie auch zu viel Aufwand – also lieber unten am Gelände in die Sonne setzen… das war auch sehr schön und tat gut, nur auf Dauer war es halt etwas langweilig. Und außer Sondaschule konnte mich am Sonntag nunmal wirklich keine Band begeistern. Die Emergenza-Gewinner waren sehr nett, das stimmt, aber ein absolutes Highlight waren sie auch nicht. Aber sie haben Potential…

Bei Taking Back Sunday hab ich mich dann nach vorne begeben, denn von den Hosen wollte ich schon auch was sehen. Das hat auch geklappt – teilweise wurde es zwar schwer eng (obwohl ich ganz an der Seite stand), und mit einigen Vollhonks mussten auch diverse Ellbogenkämpfe ausgetragen werden, aber hey, das war es wert! Wieder ein tolles Hosenkonzert – wobei mir die immer gleichen Ansagen mittlerweile doch so ein klitzekleines bisschen auf den Keks gehen. 😉

Da ich am Montag wieder arbeiten musste, hieß es dann möglichst schnell den Berg hoch, mit dem Auto mitten durch die Menschenmenge und dann erstmal 40 Minuten durch die Pampa zur Autobahn…

Aber das Taubertal war mal wieder richtig schön, und damit hat sich der Stress mehr als gelohnt!

Alte Blogeinträge

Friday, August 14th, 2009

My old blog entries are available on

I plan to move them here, but I need to find out first how I can do that at least partly automatically.

Monday, August 10th, 2009

Hello and welcome to! You’ll find lots of reports and pictures from the concerts that I visit all the time here on the site. Of course, those concerts are mainly shows of my favorite bands, namely Kaizers Orchestra, Die Ärzte, and Skambankt – but not only! I don’t call myself concert junkie for nothing… 😉 ... read on!

25.07.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Månefestivalen)

Saturday, July 25th, 2009
25.07.2009 – Photos Skambankt (Månefestivalen)

25.07.2009 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Månefestivalen)

Saturday, July 25th, 2009
25.07.2009 – Photos Kaizers Orchestra (Månefestivalen)

25.7.2009 Skambankt (Månefestivalen, Fredrikstad)

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

Yep, time for another festival! And this time with Skambankt AND Kaizers Orchestra, even on the same day. But I’ll keep the reports separate, so this one will probably be rather short – given that Skambankt had only about 40 minutes…
... read on!

25.7.2009 Kaizers Orchestra (Månefestivalen, Fredrikstad)

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

My last Kaizers concert was more than two and a half months ago – way too long, time for another concert! Even though I didn’t have the feeling lately that I really “missed” something the last weeks. But when the stage was set up for Kaizers, when the intro came on, and when Kaizers came up on stage, it did feel special. Hah… finally another Kaizers concert!
... read on!

24.-26.7.2009 Månefestivalen (Fredrikstad)

Friday, July 24th, 2009

After spending a few days of vacation in Kristiansand, I got on the train to Fredrikstad for yet another festival. I had been to Gamle Fredrikstad before, so I knew the surroundings – but wait, they can’t shut off this tourist place completely?!

I was a bit confused when I checked out the festival grounds – half of the festival wasn’t even separated off, so you didn’t need a ticket to get in. So what exactly did I pay 950 NOK for? Especially, as there was only one or maybe two interesting bands that played on another day but Saturday? Well, the reason was that I wanted to go with a friend and have a great weekend, but as she got sick, I was on my own. At least I got rid of the second ticket fairly easily, so then I could start to care for the music. Just that there really wasn’t a lot to care for… The first bands were just plain out boring. So after a while, I went back to the hotel and returned for Farmers Market. And they, sorry, were just awful in my opinion. Of course, that was played very well, but it’s just annoying to listen to. Except for the last song where they connected lots and lots of well-known melodies, that was really great! But the rest of the concert was boring. And I was terribly cold…

Then it finally got a bit better when I went over to the other stage to see Bøyen Beng. No clue what the lyrics were about, but the music was real old punk, and that was great fun. I was reluctant to return to the other stage – the headliner was some Swedish rapper…

But hey – it turned out the highlight of the day! I had expected something in Eminem style (or whatever), but that was more Seeed combined with The Busters and a bit of Deichkind. There’s probably more fitting comparisons, but those are the bands that came to my mind. And all of that in Swedish! Really cool. And the third Swedish band after Håkan Hellström and Bob Hund who made an impression on me this week…

Didn’t really care for the “Balkan Beats” party and the band afterwards, so I just stayed to check them out and left. All in all, the day was rather weird, I don’t even really know what I enjoyed and what not. Somehow it all felt a bit dull, even though the whole impression of the festival was pretty positive.

The Saturday started out very nice. I went by the literature scene, understood pretty much, actually, and it was quite fun. But: It was raining, so my mood was way down, of course.

I had planned to go over to Fredrikstad to find something to eat there (the choice of food on the festival ground was pretty limited), but after strolling around a bit and walking over to the supermarket and back to the hotel, it was already quite late, and I wasn’t too fond of getting on the ferry, running around desparately looking for Kebap places and jumping right back onto the ferry to go back. Plus – there might be some rockstars walking around that you might or might not want to talk to, you know…? =;-)

So I spent some more time around the festival (it wasn’t even raining anymore), discovering a great impro theater group (that I saw a few more times that weekend, they were really funny!). Then at some point in time, I settled in front of the main stage, with my book and a drink, waiting for the band before Skambankt to finish. And of course always being on the lookout for rockstars. *g*

The Skambankt concert was great (check out the report here, if you like). And this time without tunnel vision.=;-) And then it was weird fan girl time for me! Because by then, Kaizers were “in the house” and walking around, of course – which means I need to know where there are and I can think about whether to go there and talk to them or not. *rolleyes* You don’t want to know how often you can change your mind in half an hour… In the end, I did NOT talk to any of them, but that was absolutely okay. =;-)

Anyway. Then it was time for Tommy Tokyo, which I enjoyed pretty much. And after that, I bumped into the Skambankt guys and got my questions… well, not really answered, but I could ask them at least.=;-) So that was quite nice.

Then a fantastic Kaizers show (report, if you want to know more), and as I didn’t spot the people I met throughout the day after the concert, I went home right away. That’s something I’ve learned by now – don’t hang around after concerts hoping and waiting for things that are not going to happen. And it IS never going to happen that after a concert, the band comes out, points at you and says “we want to talk to you!”
(And if it WOULD happen, it would probably mean something bad, right? *g*)

So, all in all a great day. I’m used to the fact that at festivals with “my” bands, I’m more busy watching out for the band members than enjoying other concerts. It’s stupid, but that’s the way I am… and well, this time it was two great concerts, so no reason to complain.

OK, the next day. Yeah, this would be a great day! Sunshine, warm, and no rockstars to watch out for! And especially no pondering about “should I walk up to them”, “what should I say”, “did I just make a fool out of myself” etc. =;-) Just a quiet day, without thoughts that make my head explode…

I actually wanted to see the impro theater again, but obviously they had given a wrong time, at least there was nobody there (I did catch them lateron that day again though, luckily). The literature scene wouldn’t start before two hours later. So I decided to take the ferry over to Fredrikstad, walk around a bit, find something to eat and just relax with my book. I did take the ferry, I walked around a bit, found out there wasn’t really anything to see, didn’t find a Kebap place and wasn’t really hungry anyway, and decided I could relax at the festival site as well, so I went back pretty soon.

Got off the ferry, and… bumped into a Kaizer. =;-)

And yes, I AM bad at small talk, and even worse at small talk in Norwegian. And I wasn’t prepared. *g* So I spent the rest of the day thinking about how big a fool I had made out of myself, whether it was my fault or not, and what else I could/should have said. *argh* But then, it was so nice! He could have just walked by…

Anyway. I went on to the literature scene, couldn’t concentrate, walked on a bit and stumbled onto the impro theater again, yeah! =:-) Then back to the literature scene to some Swedish poet who was performing his poems to music. SO cool! And I could even understand most of it! Well, another Swedish artist…

The rest of the day was rather uneventful – first I spent some hours reading, then it was time for Katzenjammer, who were great again, and the rest of the bands were just annoying and/or boring. Which means that I went back to the hotel after the first two songs of the headliner – but there were hardly any people there anyway.

All in all, the festival was very nice – but rather small. And the band schedule was weird. Putting all good bands on the same day doesn’t really attract people for the other days. =;-) But all in all, another nice festival. Not as good as Slottsfjell though!