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29+30.11.2019 Skambankt (Tou Scene, Stavanger)

Sunday, December 1st, 2019

Well … the Trondheim concert was definitely too much fun. So I had to take a short trip down to Stavanger after all – even though I had decided to skip the concerts there this time, too much hassle, too expensive, too many other things to do.

But nah, no excuses – who knows when we’ll see Skambankt unplugged again? Said and done, two days down in Stavanger, three concerts within these two days, and hell yeah, it was worth it!

The two concerts at night (Friday and Saturday) were quite similar. OK, except for the fact that on Saturday, I had a group of talkers right behind (and for one song, right in front of) me … Argh, can people just shut up? It just isn’t fair that two people talking can ruin the concert for 15 or so people around them … Or as Terje pointed out, “there’s only two songs left, and if you can’t make it through those without talking, there’s a bar outside as well …”

On stage, there was quite a lot happening throughout the concert. Camilla Rosenlund, who also warmed up before Skambankt, joined for Slukk meg (for eg brenner) – which worked really nicely as a duet (even though it still isn’t quite as awesome as the fast and punky version =;-) ) – and Vår bør (with three voices throughout the whole song, perfect for smoking … you know *g*). After that, it was time for some brass on stage, to join in on Horisonten brenner, For en evighet, and Levende legende. They had added For en evighet just for the concerts in Stavanger, and it got better and better every night. And since the role of the brass players in the other two songs was mostly “hold long notes”, this was a great addition, since they got to add some big band style. Or maybe Dandy Warhols style? =;-) Either way, great fun!

Since they had guests on stage, Skambankt had to rearrange their setlist quite a bit. And that showed – especially at my first concert on Friday. =;-) There was a lot of “oh wait, now I need the harmonica, and now the rattle thingy, and oh no, now the setlist fell down and I don’t know what is next”. But in a very cute way, of course. *g*

The setlist for both nights was the same – no encores (or maybe more “no break before the encores”):

  1. Gribben
  2. Fritt fall
  3. Balladen om deg
  4. O dessverre
  5. Sånne som deg
  6. I dette huset
  7. Når eg sover
  8. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  9. Vår bør
  10. Horisonten brenner
  11. For en evighet
  12. Levende legende
  13. Kommer snart hjem
  14. Skumring
  15. Født på ny

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I love this band – plugged or unplugged. #skambankt

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For the kids’ concert, they dropped a few of the songs, of course. They were really nervous about that concert – would the kids actually make it through the full show? Or would it get too much, and the kids would start whining and chatting and running around? No need to worry at all, it turned out: the kids were awesome! The concert had the most attentive and least chatty audience by far, yay! And the kids really enjoyed it as well. I mean, what could you not like if the band sings about “a big great house”, about firefighting, and about their job, where they get lots of candy and soda and chips backstage? =;-) But Skambankt also warned the kids that they might be a bit surprised at their next Skambankt concert, which will probably be quite different from this one … *g*

All in all, the kids’ concert was quite special (of course, since it was in the middle of the day, no alcohol involved, and the first concert for so many excited kids). The setlist:

  1. Gribben
  2. Balladen om deg
  3. Sånne som deg
  4. I dette huset
  5. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  6. Vår bør
  7. Horisonten brenner
  8. For en evighet
  9. Kommer snart hjem
  10. Skumring
  11. Født på ny

So an awesome weekend! Thanks so much to Skambankt for three great concerts – and I guess now it’s time to dust off the electric guitars for the next round of shows? =:-D

15.11.2019 Skambankt (Tyven, Trondheim)

Sunday, November 17th, 2019

Skambankt unplugged. OK.

So, I had absolutely NO idea of what to expect from this concert. I had seen a few short videos of Skambankt playing unplugged on Instagram, and while it seemed like an interesting concept, it felt WEIRD. And there have definitely been Skambankt concerts where you needed the energy from stage to make up for … well … let’s call it “imperfect intonation”. =;-) And this would be so much more obvious in an unplugged setting, so … does that work?

And the answer is: Hell yeah! =:-D I didn’t have much time to listen to the album before the concert, but I gave it a quick run-through just to make sure if they really meant this, or if it was all a sarcastic thing “just for fun”. And if you’re as doubtful as I was: give it a try! And you’ll quickly find out that yes, they mean it. And then go to a concert and see for yourself that yes, they can actually pull it off!

Of course, it is a bit of the “opposite” of a Skambankt concert, as Terje pointed out right in the beginning. And of course, you also need an audience with a different mindset so that everyone can enjoy it. Unfortunately, there was a group of people in the audience that wasn’t really there for an unplugged show … =:-( But they did shut up most of the time they were told to, and it could have been a lot worse.

Skambankt started off with Horisonten brenner, which is a kinda calm song anyway, so the unplugged version didn’t really seem so far from the original. Gribben was way more different though, and then – Levende legende! I love this song, but I feel it’s a difficult song to fit in a live setting. It doesn’t really fit on a club stage, but more at a festival in the middle of the night – but only if people actually KNOW the song, which most don’t. But hey, the unplugged version was awesome! Less of a hymn, but really impressive and catching.

Balladen om deg was surprising because it felt like this was the first song of the night that actually rocked – and usually, at the plugged shows, this is the first calm song. =;-) And then we took a dive back in time – Sånne som deg had an extreme Blod, Snått & Juling feel all over it. I think it was mostly the interval between the singing voices, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

The new song is awesome (would be interesting to hear that one in a rock version as well). But then a little downer – Slukk meg is usually my highlight of each Skambankt concert, but the unplugged version … not sure. It’s a great song, no doubt about that, and it’s a nice unplugged version on the record as well. But at a concert, I want more energy from that song. But to make up for it, I felt that Vår bør was even more catchy and “rock-y” in the unplugged version than usual.

Of course there was quite a bit of talk between the songs as well. Trondheim is Skambankt’s second home town (get your asses up here more often then!! =:-p). None of them would have ever imagined to play their own songs unplugged in front of a sold-out club when they started up at a festival in Bryne 25 years ago. The stage was so small they had to tune their own guitars. Using an accordion even in unplugged music is questionable. There’s nice music and there is rock music, and rock music is tough and therefore not nice. There was quite a bit of disagreement about that last one, and count me in: there is definitely nice rock music as well!

No break before the encores, since there was no way for Skambankt to get off stage anyway … So we got two more songs: Skumring and Født på ny! Jaaaaa! <3

All in all, an awesome concert. Totally different from all other Skambankt shows I’ve seen, even though a lot of the songs were the same. I had a little flashback to the Kriegsensemble concert I’d seen (which was actually the first concert I ever saw at Familien – which is now called Tyven). That one had Kaizers songs played weirdly. This one was Skambankt songs played … differently. No weirdness involved at all, just great musicality!

The full setlist:

  1. Horisonten brenner
  2. Gribben
  3. Levende legende
  4. Balladen om deg
  5. Sånne som deg
  6. I dette huset
  7. Når eg sover
  8. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  9. O dessverre
  10. Vår bør
  11. Fritt fall
  12. Kommer snart hjem
  13. Skumring
  14. Født på ny

08.06.2019 Skambankt (supporting Bon Jovi) (Viking Stadion, Stavanger)

Sunday, June 9th, 2019

The first band I ever was a fan of was Bon Jovi. That was loooong ago, and I haven’t kept up with them at all the last 25 years or so … (gosh, I’m old!). Still, when Skambankt announced they would be supporting Bon Jovi at their concert in Stavanger, there was not a doubt in my mind what I would be doing that weekend!

As a concert junkie, getting a ticket wasn’t a problem, but just for the record: I hate Golden Circles. The people who get there first should be the ones who get to stand in the front, and not the people who pay the most – which might even be the people who got their tickets last, because those hilariously expensive tickets were the last ones left … Anyways, I got to the arena in time to secure my spot in the front row of the non-Golden-Circle area, which was pretty much in the middle of the area. Thus far enough away that if Skambankt had put body-doubles on stage, I wouldn’t have noticed. *grmbl*

Add to that the fact that when Skambankt played, a lot of the Golden Circle audience hadn’t arrived yet, and there was therefore a huge gap in the audience, which totally killed the atmosphere. I mean, nothing compared to Longfield & Super Skeleton, who were the first band out – nobody cared for their show, and there was hardly anybody there yet. Such a pity! =:-( At least for Skambankt, it had filled up quite a bit, and before the show I saw quite a few Skambankt shirts and heard a lot of talk about them, so people actually wanted to see Skambankt. Still, there weren’t enough fans there to create a real buzz in the stadium while Skambankt were on stage – but as Skambankt themselves said on stage: It cannot be that easy – they have to do some work to deserve the favor of the audience!

Even though the easiest way to create a buzz in the stadium was to simply … ask for it. =;-) Which definitely worked, it sounded impressive, and Skambankt seemed to love it! What was awesome to see was how well they managed to fill the huge stage. Their setup was a lot smaller than Bon Jovi’s, of course, but they spread out to the sides whenever possible, and they used the catwalk into the audience quite a bit. Not always successfully – during Stormkast #1, both Terje and Panzer went to the front, just to simultaneously realize they wouldn’t make it back to their positions in time and start running back … which resulted in a musical mess, so after a quick band meeting on stage, they decided to start the song over. *lol*

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Stormkast #1 & #2 #skambankt

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The weather report for the evening was bad – it was supposed to rain basically all night. However, it held up until Skambankt came on, and it wasn’t until O Dessverre and “after sunshine comes the rain” that it started raining … They didn’t take the blame though, because come on, let’s get real here, “you’re all gonna be soaking wet by the end of the night anyway, so let’s just not give a damn about it”.

For the final song, Kommer snart hjem, they got some help on stage – Longfield’s guitar player (I think) and a saxophone solo (by a guy I could have sworn played a concert in Sandnes earlier that day – but hey, I was too far from the stage to really be able to tell, and I guess I’ll never know …).

The full setlist:

  1. Dynasti
  2. Skambankt
  3. Voodoo
  4. Mantra
  5. Horisonten brenner
  6. Vår bør
  7. O dessverre
  8. For en evighet
  9. Malin
  10. Balladen om deg
  11. Stormkast #1
  12. Kommer snart hjem

Definitely a fun experience to see Skambankt on such a huge stage! It could have been even better if the audience had been more into them, but well – I guess you can’t ask for that if you’re only the support band.

Half an hour later, it was time for Bon Jovi. And I was suddenly 25 years younger and surprised about how much of my brain capacity is apparently blocked by Bon Jovi lyrics … *uhem* Great fun, even though the singing especially on the old songs was quite sloppy at times. But still: two and a half hours down memory lane! And all in all, an amazing night. =:-)

30.05.2019 Die Ärzte (Electric Ballroom, London)

Friday, June 7th, 2019
This entry doesn't exist in English.

Mein 99. Ärzte-Konzert. Zugegeben, ich hatte nicht erwartet, die 100 Konzerte irgendwann vollzukriegen – einerseits, weil es ja nie sicher war, ob DÄ nochmal auf Tour gehen, anderseits, weil sie mich einfach nicht mehr wirklich interessieren …

Als dann die Miles&More-Tour angekündigt wurde (einmal rund in Europa, aber natürlich nicht nach Skandinavien … *grmbl*) schlug dann natürlich doch ein wenig die Gewohnheit zu – man muss ja zumindest mal gucken, ob man ein Ticket ergattern kann. 😉 Insbesondere, wenn das Konzert in London an einem langen Wochenende liegt. Gesagt, getan, und mit genügend Konzertjunkie-Erfahrung auch kein großer Stress beim Ticketkauf (auch wenn die Portokosten jenseits von gut und böse waren). Und in der Vorbereitung auf den Trip dann auch noch die Erkenntnis, dass am gleichen Wochenende noch Camden Rocks stattfindet und man das ja auch noch mitnehmen kann. Yay!

Um es kurz zu machen: Das Ärzte-Konzert hat Spaß gemacht. Camden Rocks hat noch viel mehr Spaß gemacht. 😉
Aber doch, ja, ich war positiv überrascht. Meine großen Fan-Zeiten sind definitiv vorbei und ich würde mir jetzt nicht sofort nochmal ein Ärzte-Konzert angucken wollen

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, aber mein 100. wird wohl doch noch irgendwann stattfinden.

Ich hatte nicht vor, einen Bericht zu schreiben (und tue es eigentlich nur, weil ich schließlich schon 98 Berichte vorher geschrieben habe), daher habe ich mir nichts gemerkt. Aber es war die typische Altherren-Blödelei auf der Bühne, gemischt mit “woah, wir sind tatsächlich in London”, und die ganzen alten Lieder, die ich seit 2013 nicht mehr gehört habe. Und das war definitiv cool!
Weniger cool war das Publikum. Ich stand wie immer vorne links – um mich rum ein paar typische Fans, die begeistert waren und Spaß hatten, direkt neben mir eine Gruppe, der das Konzert relativ wuppe war, die aber dafür umso besorgter waren, wie man denn bei dem Gedränge neues Bier holen soll, und auf der anderen Seite eine Dame, die der Meinung war, dass hier in London im Gegensatz zu Deutschland ja nur “Gesocks” auf Konzerten sind, die einen nicht mal durchlassen. Nun ja, zwei Minuten vorher bin ich genau denselben Weg durchgelaufen, wurde überall problemlos durchgelassen, und von dem ganzen Gesocks habe ich keinen einzigen Englisch sprechen hören …
Nun ja, Ärzte-Fans halt. *ähem*

Also insgesamt ein tolles Konzert, nervige Elite-Fans, aber insgesamt ein netter Abend. Und am Wochenende danach ein Haufen wundervoller Club-Konzerte mit ganz vielen Neuentdeckungen – und damit ein voll und ganz gelungener Kurzurlaub in London!

22.02.2019 Skambankt (Byscenen, Trondheim)

Saturday, February 23rd, 2019

The last two Skambankt concerts in Trondheim were awesome – the one at Samfundet in spring was the best one of the tour, and Trondheim Rocks was huge and simply amazing. So expectations were quite high for this spring’s concert! OK, Skambankt might have forgotten to advertise the current tour, and Byscenen seemed slightly desperate to get people to buy tickets … so hmm. Either the best concert of the tour, or a slightly awkward show in front of a half-empty room?

At first, everything seemed to point towards the latter. =:-/ Support band Frances Wave went on only half an hour after the doors opened, and Byscenen still looked quite empty. But Trondheimers just don’t like to come early … When Skambankt started playing an hour later, the room was packed, and people knew who they had come to see!

No need to pump up the audience, but everyone was in it from the start, singing along, shouting “Hey” and “Skambankt”, singing 7 Nation Army, and generally just having fun! =:-D As always, a few Skambankt concert virgins in the audience (“where have you been before?”), but I’m sure they’ll all be back next time!

The setlist didn’t vary much from what they were playing on the last tours, except that after one of their oldest songs (“Desertør”), they played their newest song “For en evighet”. Or let’s say they tried to play it, the live version might need a little more work (tip: put a lyrics sheet in the single, then someone in the first row can hold it up =;-p ). But that song is gonna work nicely at the shows I think! They promised that next time, they’ll be able to play it a lot better, just like the following “O dessverre” – to which the audience went crazy, of course. =:-)

And then it was time for the encores. “Vår bør” first, then “Mantra” – and then I expected maaaaaybe “Malin” and then the end of the concert. But no, Skambankt obviously did not want to leave the stage (and rightfully so!), so after a bit of discussion, they decided to add a song. Or maybe two? Do we still have the energy for a real hard rock song? Hell yeah we do! They did as well, so we got “Panzersjokk”. Then again the question … should they really play another one? They didn’t want to be the kind of band where everyone looks at their watch and wonders when they are finally done … But ooooookay, one more. So … which one? Yes, I heard people shout for “Malin”, of course. But I also heard someone shout for “KKK”, and I wasn’t the only one to hear it! =:-D And since nobody wanted to go home yet, we got “KKK” first and “Malin” afterwards. Perfect!=:-D Especially since I had to run out to sell some t-shirts during the last song anyway. =:-P

Either way, that was another absolutely amazing concert. I guess “five encores” says it all! And just in case anyone needed another proof: If you’re gonna travel anywhere to see Skambankt, make it Trondheim!

The full setlist:

  1. Anonyme hatere
  2. Skambankt
  3. Dynasti
  4. Voodoo
  5. Horisonten brenner
  6. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  7. Desertør
  8. For en evighet
  9. O dessverre
  10. Balladen om deg
  11. Som en sirene
  12. Me sa nei
  13. Stormkast #1
  14. Vår bør
  15. Mantra
  16. Panzersjokk
  17. KKK
  18. Malin

17.11.2018 Skambankt (Folken, Stavanger)

Sunday, November 18th, 2018

The next day, the next concert … this time at Folken! The expectations were high, because of course, the audience would be just as enthusiastic as at Checkpoint Charlie, but there would be a much better view even when keeping a bit to the side and staying out of the wildest part of the audience. All set for a perfect concert!

And that’s exactly what we got! A great concert, not as intimate as the Checkpoint gig, but with an audience that was just as much into it. Or maybe even more, judging by all the “Skambankt” chants between the songs. And if anybody still wonders why I would see the same band two days in the row, that’s exactly why – the concerts can be totally different because of the setting, but still both be perfect!

This time there were some cameras around, because Skambankt decided to do a music video for I dette huset (Disclaimer: them deciding to film does not mean that the music video will ever happen, let’s just wait and see and not ask about it every other week =;-p). And while they were filming the whole show to get enough material, the most important part was of course when they played I dette huset. Which started with Terje forgetting the lyrics … *ouch* You could tell he was really annoyed about this, and everyone felt bad for him – so when he apologized afterwards, there were “en gang til” chants right away. It was obvious Skambankt were a bit torn between wanting to give it another try and continuing the concert, but since we were asking for it … we got another version! =:-D Which apparently also had some kind of mix-up in the lyrics, but don’t ask me, *I* certainly don’t know the lyrics. *gg*

The setlist was almost the same as at Checkpoint, with an additional Mantra thrown into the main set. For encores, they asked the audience – which resulted in an unignorable request for Malin again … what is this, Stavanger? Are you kidding?! Seriously?

Either way, after suffering through Malin once again, Skambankt made up for everything by playing … KKK! =:-o YAY! I would have never expected that, unless they had actually practiced it beforehand … and honestly, that’s how it sounded at first! So all props for that, that was perfect … altså, I mean, until they got to the third verse and had no clue how it went. So no, they hadn’t practiced the song beforehand, which makes it even more amazing that they played it. THANK YOU! ♥

And as a final conclusion, the choice was between Min Eliksir and Slukk meg, and thank you Stavanger, everyone voted right and we got Slukk meg. Hey, I’ll take Malin any day if I get KKK and Slukk meg afterwards … =:-D

(And before anyone asks why I go see them so many times if I hate their songs so much – there are exactly two Skambankt songs that I don’t like: Malin and Min Eliksir. =;-) )

The setlist:

  1. Anonyme hatere
  2. Skambankt
  3. Dynasti
  4. Voodoo
  5. Levende legende
  6. Mantra
  7. Horisonten brenner
  8. Tanker som mareritt
  9. I dette huset
  10. I dette huset
  11. Desertør
  12. Balladen om deg
  13. O dessverre
  14. Me sa nei
  15. Stormkast #1
  16. Vår bør
  17. Malin
  18. KKK
  19. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)

Oh, and the last song after they were done and while they were saying bye to the audience, was of course “Je t’aime”. Why not? And I can only answer: “Nous aussi”!

16.11.2018 Skambankt (Checkpoint Charlie, Stavanger)

Sunday, November 18th, 2018

The last time Skambankt played at Checkpoint Charlie in Stavanger was 12 years ago. That was my 5th Skambankt concert, and my first trip to Norway where I actually dared to speak any Norwegian.

I’d love to say that when I heard they would be playing at Checkpoint Charlie again, I did not hesitate but got my plane ticket to Stavanger right away. That would be a lie though … because of course, I already had my plane ticket to Stavanger to see them at Folken the next night. And of course I had expected a second show to be added, so I was all set already! It was an awesome surprise though that the first show would be in a tiny club. ♥

Checkpoint Charlie was just like I remembered it – tiny, crammed with people, and with a tiny stage in one corner that could hardly fit the support band Kåte Klør (who also played the next night and did a great job as warm-up band!). OK, that was partly due to Skambankt’s stuff occupying most of the stage, but still – Checkpoint is the definition of an intimate setting. =;-)

The audience was wild from the first second, and it didn’t make any difference if Skambankt played new stuff or old, everyone was into it. The setlist was pretty much the same as it has been all year though, without surprises. That was a bit of a pity, as I had really hoped they would do something special – like play old songs at Checkpoint and new ones at Folken, or a “rarities” setlist at Checkpoint and the normal one at Folken. But no complaints here, that concert was so much fun! =:-)

Both Levende Legende and I dette huset are “really about something completely different, but they totally fit Checkpoint Charlie, so let’s dedicate them to Checkpoint”. “Balladen om deg” is the very first power ballad they ever did, two years ago – seems it’s a fact by now that Søvnløs never happened. *lol*

After the last song, Skambankt skipped the “going off stage” part (not that they would have made it backstage through the audience anyway), and it was obvious they weren’t done for the night. “You want some more? Still more? Sure, we’ll continue!”

Don’t ask me why Stavanger loves Malin though … That wish was pretty much unisono, so of course they had to play it. Luckily the girl next to me was SO into the song that this actually made it fun – and I mean that really positively, there’s nothing nicer than seeing people totally in love with “their” song. Even if it’s a shitty song. *uhem*

Two more encores, Vår bør and Mantra, and as conclusion a little stage diving (which did not seem like the best idea considering that the ceiling was about 20 cm over people’s heads =:-o ), and that was it. And everyone was drenched in sweat and HAPPY! =:-D

The setlist:

  1. Anonyme hatere
  2. Skambankt
  3. Dynasti
  4. Voodoo
  5. Levende legende
  6. Horisonten brenner
  7. Tanker som mareritt
  8. I dette huset
  9. Desertør
  10. Balladen om deg
  11. O dessverre
  12. Me sa nei
  13. Stormkast #1
  14. Malin
  15. Vår bør
  16. Mantra

22.09.2018 Skambankt (Posten, Odense)

Sunday, September 23rd, 2018

As always, the smartest thing after a great concert is to not expect anything from the next concert. That way, you won’t be disappointed if Odense fulfills your image of a small, rural town, with a half empty venue and a band who used all their energy on yesterday’s concert and afterparty.

And in addition, if you don’t expect much, you will most likely be proven wrong. And Odense lived up 100% to the expectation of getting way more than you expect! =:-)

And since I now managed to confuse even myself: That concert was awesome! =:-D Somehow, it felt like “the old times”, with a tiny and intimate stage, people jumping around in front of the stage right from the start, everybody really into the show, and Skambankt just playing rough and wild and “careless”, in a way. A perfect club show! =:-D With a >95% male audience, it felt … not sure how I should interpret that though. =;-)

Terje’s voice was pretty much gone from the start (he blamed it on a cold – and sure, it was really chilly and windy outside after yesterday’s concert … *g*), but he made it through the show, and they even added Levende legende on the fly (it wasn’t on the setlist).

When a guy complained to him about speaking weirdly, Terje admitted that he had to decide between talking normally and nobody would understand what he said, or he could speak in a way that sounds idiotic to all Norwegians but is actually understandable to Danish people as well – and he went for sounding like an idiot. =;-)

After O dessverre, which of course took off completely, Terje promised we would have to make it through only one more Celine Dion song before they would get back to the fast songs. But not the one that a guy in the front had explicitly requested, since it was the song he proposed to, not “My heart will go on” – but of course we got “Balladen om deg” instead. Almost the same. *lol*

And as promised, then they were back to hard and fast and loud, with Me sa nei. But first, Terje had to request a schnapps from the bar to make it through the song, since his voice was pretty much gone by then … In the break, we all had to be really quiet and shut up, because “we’re doing art here!!!1”. =:-D

Stormkast #1 was a great conclusion again before they went off. And just like yesterday, we got Slukk meg and Mantra as encores. OK, the Mantra version was missing the first verse, but who needs lyrics anyway (and honestly, I don’t know ANY of the lyrics, but starting with the second verse is apparently not the best idea if the melody is different from the first *g*). But that only proved that this was a “dirty” club show and that these are more fun than big and “clean” shows can ever be. Yay! =:-D

The full setlist (exactly the same as in Aarhus, actually):

  1. Anonyme hatere
  2. Skambankt
  3. Dynasti
  4. Voodoo
  5. Levende legende
  6. Horisonten brenner
  7. Vår bør
  8. O dessverre
  9. Balladen om deg
  10. Desertør
  11. Me sa nei
  12. Stormkast #1
  13. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  14. Mantra

21.09.2018 Skambankt (Atlas, Aarhus)

Saturday, September 22nd, 2018

Summer is over, festival season is over – and since I can’t simply accept either of those facts, I decided to extend summer by going to “Syden” and to see some more concerts by adding a stopover in Denmark on the way back up north. How convenient that Skambankt were on tour there just at the same time … =;-)

Unfortunately, the first show in Copenhagen didn’t fit my schedule, but two concerts in Aarhus and Odense are better than nothing, right? Especially since the Danish audience is usually quite enthusiastic. So even though they didn’t get any Skambankt concerts for the last four years, there was no doubt they would remember!

The Aarhus concert started with the support band Slivers. I really liked what they played, but found out that even if the singer doesn’t sing but scream, there’s still a difference between screaming in tune and screaming in the totally wrong pitch. =:-( So that wasn’t the best concert I’ve ever seen … even though the music sounded quite promising. Get yourself a singer that can hold a tune … *uhem*

Then it was time for Skambankt. The venue wasn’t full, but people gathered in the front, and even though they needed a few songs to warm up, it was obvious they were into it. It’s been a sad four years until Skambankt made it back to Aarhus, but they finally did! It seemed like many didn’t know the new songs, but they cheered nevertheless. And of course everyone loved the old stuff!

Not quite sure what happened during Levende legende or if I was maybe standing in a bad spot, but I didn’t hear the second voice in the chorus at all – that made the whole song sound rather bland. Too bad, but I still love that they keep it in the set. And people seemed to like it either way. =:-)

A bit later in the show, I was reminded that I still need to finish my report from the latest China tour, since I’ve seen Skambankt 150 times by now, all over the world, in Russia and China and … *lol* Well, the Danish language has a weird way of counting, so 150 is probably my correct amount of Skambankt concerts if you translate it to Danish (even though syvoghalvtreds might be a better translation *gg*).

As always, Skambankt “saved the best for last” and finished their show with Me sa nei (where they went down into the audience at the end, don’t think I’ve seen that before! =:-o) and Stormkast #1 (which wasn’t actually on the setlist, yay for extra songs!). And of course we had to count down in the middle of Me sa nei again, and since Aarhus had to prove they are better in maths than Copenhagen, the countdown started at 22 … (Not quite sure though if “I’m going to explain that in a slightly dumb-sounding way so that you can actually understand” is the smartest way to phrase that Danish sounds … uh … interesting to Norwegians. =;-) )

Slukk meg og Mantra as encores, and off they went – the audience wanted more, and when the lights went on, everyone left with smiling faces. Yay!

The setlist:

  1. Anonyme hatere
  2. Skambankt
  3. Dynasti
  4. Voodoo
  5. Levende legende
  6. Horisonten brenner
  7. Vår bør
  8. O dessverre
  9. Balladen om deg
  10. Desertør
  11. Me sa nei
  12. Stormkast #1
  13. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  14. Mantra

23.06.2018 Skambankt (Steinkjerfestivalen)

Sunday, June 24th, 2018

Since living in Trondheim, I’ve been going to Steinkjerfestival every summer – they usually have a great line-up, and it’s just the right size and a nice atmosphere. And of course it doesn’t hurt that the weather is always awesome!

Well, almost always, except for this year. But then, Skambankt played in the tent anyway, so no need to worry about rain or freezing cold. What there was to worry about though: the soccer world cup and Germany playing Sweden in what could have been their last exciting match RIGHT AT THE SAME TIME as Skambankt were on stage. Argh! Terrible timing! And yes, I was a bit distracted during the concert … especially when the mobile data cut out, I desperately kept trying to reload the live score, and when it finally loaded it said “0:1”. Waaaaah! And sorry for my shocked looks in the middle of … was it Vår bør? =;-)

Anyway, the concert. =;-) I was pretty much in the front this time so it’s hard to say how it was received by the audience, but it seemed like people were into it. Clapping and singing along, and despite some slightly cryptic reactions to questions between the songs (like if every band needs a power ballad or if we like punk rock), people clearly had a good time.

The setlist was a bit suprising though, with only two songs from the new album (or actually only one, since “Balladen om deg” is a b-side). I guess it makes sense for the festivals though, to play the songs that the “casual fan” knows – and those songs are a lot of fun, not the least because everyone know them. =:-)

Here’s the setlist:

  1. Skambankt
  2. Dynasti
  3. Mantra
  4. Slukk meg (for eg brenner)
  5. Vår bør
  6. I dette huset
  7. Balladen om deg
  8. O dessverre
  9. Me sa nei
  10. Stormkast #1

What I found really interesting was how different the concert was from my first Skambankt festival show this year. While the gig at Trondheim Rocks was gigantic, this one felt so much more like a tight club show – inside (in a tent), on a smaller stage, much closer to the audience. Me likes! I don’t mind a bit more chatter between the songs, but of course that doesn’t make sense at a festival show where Skambankt get only 45 minutes. With that time, the concert felt pretty short even though it was played tightly.

But then, at the same time, it felt REALLY long, because Germany was about to lose to Sweden. =;-) So right after the concert was over, I ditched Astrid S (oh wat a sacrifice … NOT *lol*) to run back to the hotel and catch the last half hour. Including Germany’s goal in minute 95. =:-D

Great game! Oh, and the concert was pretty awesome too. *gg*